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The Myth Of Male Power

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Old 11-02-2007 | 05:23 PM
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The Myth Of Male Power

There's a good book written by Warren Farrell on feminism, its impact, and some of the imbalances that have resulted. Here's a short excerpt:

The Myth of Male Power by Warren Farrell

There are many ways in which a woman experiences a greater sense of powerlessness than a man. She may fear pregnancy, aging, rape, date rape and criminal assault. She may feel greater pressure to marry and, without regard to her own wishes, interrupt her career for children. She may feel excluded from an old-boy network. She may resent having less freedom to walk into a bar without being bothered.

Fortunately, most industrialized nations have acknowledged these experiences (as we have in these forums). Unfortunately, they have acknowledged only female experiences - and concluded that while women have the problem, men are the problem.

A man, of course, has a different experience. He can see marriage become divorce, and often finds that shared financial burdens become alimony payments, his home become his wife's home and his children become support payments who have been turned against him. A man who finds himself in these situations feels as if he is spending his life working for people who hate him. He feels desperate for someone to love, but fears that another marriage may ultimately leave him with another mortgage payment, another set of children turned against him and a deeper desperation. When such a man is called "commitment-phobic," he doesn't feel understood.

When men try to keep up with payments by working overtime and are told they are insensitive, or try to handle the stress by drinking and are told they are drunkards, they don't feel powerful but powerless. When they fear a cry for help will be met with an instruction to stop whining, or that a plea to be heard will be met with "yes, buts," they skip attempting suicide as a cry for help and just commit suicide. Men have remained the silent sex and are increasingly becoming the suicide sex.

What feminism has contributed to women's options must be supported. But when feminists suggest that God might be a She without suggesting that the Devil might also be a female, they must be opposed. Feminism articulated the shadow side of men and the light side of women. It neglected the shadow side of women and the light side of men. And it didn't acknowledge that each sex has each side within itself. When the issue of sexual harassment surfaced, we were told, "Men don't get it." In fact, neither sex gets it. A man doesn't get a woman's fear of harassment, which stems from her passive role. A woman doesn't get a man's fear of sexual rejection, which stems from his initiating role. Both sexes are so preoccupied with their vulnerability that neither understands the other's vulnerability.

The difference? Feminism taught women to sue men for sexual harassment or date rape when men initiate with the wrong person or at the wrong time. No one has taught men to sue women for sexual trauma for saying yes, then no, then yes, then no during a sexual encounter. Feminism left women with three sexual options - their old role, the male role and the victim role. Men were left with less than one option - they were still expected to initiate in a relationship, but now, if they did it badly, they could go to jail for it.

Feminism justified female "victim power" by convincing the world that we live in a sexist, male-dominated and patriarchal world. In fact, the world is both male- and female-dominated, both patriarchal and matriarchal, each in different ways. Among other things, that's why patriarchy and male dominance double as code words for male disposability. The male's role - to provide and protect - led to the disposal of men in war and work (in the "death professions" of construction, firefighting, lumberjacking, trucking). While we acknowledged the glass ceilings that kept women out of the top, we ignored the glass floors that kept men at the bottom. Thus the "Jobs Rated Almanac" reveals that the majority of the 25 worst jobs "happened to be" male dominated.
Old 11-02-2007 | 05:26 PM
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By the Eighties, feminism's ability to articulate a women's light side and a man's shadow side led to women's magazines, talk shows, self-improvement books and TV specials that equated progressivism with women as victims and men as victimizers. Rarely did we see women as victimizers and men as victims (of false accusations, emotional abuse or deprivation of visiting rights with their children). It was soon considered progressive to criticize male legislators for making war, but not to credit male legislators for making democracy. In the United States, almost 1 million firefighters volunteer to risk their lives to save strangers. Of these, 99 percent are men. We see TV specials that ask the question, "Does the man next door molest girls?" but not "Does the man next door save girls?" In our everyday lives we might see six firefighters saving women, but no TV special points out that all six firefighters were men - or that male police officers, rescue-team members, lifeguards and ambulance technicians who save women's lives are far more ubiquitous than men who jeopardize women's lives.

During Mike Tyson's rape trial in Indianapolis, the hotel in which the jury was sequestered caught fire. Two firefighters died saving hotel occupants. Tyson's trial made us increasingly aware of men as rapists, but the firefighters' deaths did not make us increasingly aware of men as saviors. We were more aware of one man doing harm than of two men saving, of one man threatening one women (who is still alive) than of dozens of men saving hundreds of people (and that two of those men died).

Men's expectations are about as deeply ingrained in society as women's were in the Fifties. Women's studies have helped women question their expectations. And this is positive. What isn't positive is the tendency of feminists to argue against men's studies because "history is men's studies." History books, though, do not encourage men to question their expectations. In fact, history books sell to boys the traditional role of hero and performer. Each history book is advertisement for the performer role. Each lesson tells him, "If you perform, you will get love and respect. If you fail, you will be nothing."

To a boy, history is pressure to perform, not relief from that pressure. Feminism is relief from the pressure to be confined in the traditional female role. To a boy, then, history is not the equivalent of women's studies, it is the opposite of women's studies. It tells him that the only acceptable role is the traditional one. Women's studies do more than question the female role - they tell women they have a right to what was once the traditional male role. Nothing tells men they have a right to the traditional female role - an equal right to stay home full-time or part-time with the children, for example, while his wife supports him.

* * *

To acknowledge the full truth about sex roles - that both men and women are burdened by and benefit from them - was considered regressive. Worse, it didn't sell. Women bought the books and magazines, and publishers pandered to them, just as politicians pander to interest groups. Women became Women Who Love, and men became Men Who Hate. The pandering transformed a female strength - understanding relationships - into a female weakness: misunderstanding men.

In the past quarter century, feminism has been to the daily news what bacteria is to water. We consumed it without knowing it - both the good and the bad. Men were not perfect listeners. But many did absorb new concepts: sex object, glass ceiling, palimony, the battered-women syndrome, deadbeat dads, the feminization of poverty. Slogans focused on female concerns: "A woman's right to choose," "Equal pay for equal work," "Our bodies, our business." Men found their sexuality blamed for almost everything - sexual harassment, sexual molestation, pornography, incest, rape, date rape.

Men accepted as truth many assumptions of discrimination against women - women are the victims of most violence, women's health is neglected more than men's, women are paid less for the same work, husbands batter wives more, men have more power, ours' is a patriarchal, sexist, male-dominated world. Many men condemned these so-called discriminations against women even as they accepted the necessity for discriminating against men - affirmative action for women, government-subsidized women's commissions, women's studies, government programs for women, infants and children. For men, feminism turned the battle of the sexes into a war in which only one side showed up.

Have we been misled by feminists? Yes. It is feminists' fault? No, because men have not spoken up. Simply, women cannot hear what men do not say. Now men must take responsibility to stand up for what they want.

Men can be thought of as searching for their inner perestroika. Just as Soviet citizens watched the world around them become freer, men watched the women around them become freer. In the same way Soviet citizens began to question of their perception of themselves as a powerful nation distracted them from facing powerlessness, men are on the verge of questioning if their perception of themselves as the powerful sex simply distracts them from facing their powerlessness. Men are appropriately beginning to see themselves for what they've become - a Third World sex.
Old 11-02-2007 | 05:29 PM
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About the author:

Warren Farrell (b. 1943) is an American writer.

Farrell holds an M.A. and Ph.D. in Political Science (UCLA; New York University (NYU)). He taught at the School of Medicine at the University of California, San Diego, and at Georgetown University, Rutgers, Brooklyn College, and American University.

With the publication of The Myth of Male Power, Farrell became the one of the first modern masculists. In the early 1970s, he was a champion of feminism, serving on the board of the New York chapter of the National Organization for Women (NOW). Within a few years, he left NOW, frustrated with what he saw as their female exclusiveness and disregard for men's issues. His early books The Liberated Man and Why Men Are the Way They Are were more in the vein of a type of "masculinism" that has an approach to men's issues similar to that of feminism to women's issues.

His pioneering approach to sex issues has come to be the cornerstone of masculism. His ideology calls for gender equivalence and, unlike some who've been referred to as masculists, a reduction in traditional gender roles. He has made a critical examination of the power imbalance between the sexes, claiming that it now favors women: "The women's movement had done a wonderful job of freeing women from sex roles, but no one did the same for men".

On May 27, 2005 Farrell appeared on John Stossel's "Give Me A Break" segment of 20/20 to discuss why men earn more. Farrell is seen speaking before the Cato Institute. He asked people to stand if they worked at least two years at a job meeting certain criteria: jobs which exposed them to wind and rain or long hours, for example. In each case, it was mostly men who stood.
Old 11-02-2007 | 07:58 PM
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I vote this most depressing thread of the century.

But an interesting take on it.
Old 11-02-2007 | 09:22 PM
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This kind of thread makes me glad I have a large penis.
Old 11-03-2007 | 12:34 AM
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This thread makes me glad I have a short attention span. If it's depressing, I'll never know.
Old 11-03-2007 | 03:39 AM
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I clicked on this, and fell asleep before I could say wtf! Oh wait...I just did!
Old 11-03-2007 | 10:31 AM
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It is amazing the total bullshit that can get published, along with the idiots that actually give it credence.
Old 11-03-2007 | 01:47 PM
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Originally Posted by BeaverTL
It is amazing the total bullshit that can get published, along with the idiots that actually give it credence.

How about actually refuting something specific tough guy? Or is your old age hindering your thought process?
Old 11-03-2007 | 05:01 PM
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But that would be giving this nonsense credence.

What I will say is that we are always wanting some level of comfort in identifying societal roles that people occupy within the structure of the group. The one thing you need to learn is that such definitions tend to be done with a) too broad of strokes; or b) too narrow terms that try to pigeon hole roles and types.

For better or worse, our current society is starting to become more and more androgynous in sexual/gender roles. I suppose that is agreeing with what is being said, but I notice how this author wants to define and identify roles and models.
Old 11-03-2007 | 06:21 PM
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Originally Posted by BeaverTL
But that would be giving this nonsense credence.

What I will say is that we are always wanting some level of comfort in identifying societal roles that people occupy within the structure of the group.
Obviously you don't believe in gender and sex roles. You must be a transsexual.

but I notice how this author wants to define and identify roles and models.
How dare he!
Old 11-03-2007 | 08:56 PM
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sucks? i read the whole thing and i dont remember a damn word.
Old 11-03-2007 | 09:30 PM
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Mens Fear of Feminism = Americans Fear of Illegals = Whites Fear of Black Freedom = England's Fear of American Colony = A bunch of faggots who get scared every time there is change and it means they may not be able to beat up on the little guy or work harder to get ahead. OH NOES FEMENISM! AGH! WHAT IS WE GON' DO?!
Old 11-03-2007 | 09:49 PM
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JJ, are you kidding me?

You too don't think feminism has had any negative consequences? That feminism is righteous and/or benign?
Old 11-03-2007 | 10:12 PM
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Originally Posted by amisconception
JJ, are you kidding me?

You too don't think feminism has had any negative consequences? That feminism is righteous and/or benign?
Everything has negative consequences that gives people more power because the people who used to have all the power now don't have as much. You could argue that with any movement. Anytime you give someone freedom to do what they want, some will abuse it, doesn't make it bad.

The only reason I get at you about this or men in general is that the majority has it so good and they never realize it. In this country its Men, White people, Christians, English speakers, Conservatives etc...Anytime anyone gets a small piece of the pie those groups tend to flair up like the world is over.

Disclaimer since everyone takes everything literally: This does not mean all whites, all men, or all christians etc...Obviously but since people are anal shit eaters with no common sense I have to add this.
Old 11-03-2007 | 10:40 PM
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Originally Posted by JJ4Short
Everything has negative consequences that gives people more power because the people who used to have all the power now don't have as much. You could argue that with any movement. Anytime you give someone freedom to do what they want, some will abuse it, doesn't make it bad.

The only reason I get at you about this or men in general is that the majority has it so good and they never realize it. In this country its Men, White people, Christians, English speakers, Conservatives etc...Anytime anyone gets a small piece of the pie those groups tend to flair up like the world is over.

Disclaimer since everyone takes everything literally: This does not mean all whites, all men, or all christians etc...Obviously but since people are anal shit eaters with no common sense I have to add this.
Can't we all just get along?

Life was probably so much better as cavemen. All they did was hunt, eat and fuck! They had a world to populate, so not much time for anything else! Just hit a bitch over the head with a T-rex bone and get your swerve on while she regained conciousness!

Fucking paradise...literally!
Old 11-04-2007 | 07:06 PM
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Originally Posted by JJ4Short
Anytime you give someone freedom to do what they want, some will abuse it, doesn't make it bad.
I wouldn't disagree with that. But that doesn't mean those abuses and hypocrisies should not be addressed.
Old 11-05-2007 | 07:41 AM
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Interesting read amis...

From reading most of the responses I think many people either a) didn't read what you posted, or b) didn't understand what you posted...
Old 11-06-2007 | 12:28 AM
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Originally Posted by BeaverTL
But that would be giving this nonsense credence.

What I will say is that we are always wanting some level of comfort in identifying societal roles that people occupy within the structure of the group. The one thing you need to learn is that such definitions tend to be done with a) too broad of strokes; or b) too narrow terms that try to pigeon hole roles and types.

For better or worse, our current society is starting to become more and more androgynous in sexual/gender roles. I suppose that is agreeing with what is being said, but I notice how this author wants to define and identify roles and models.

This kind of thing is what keeps women and men seperated and not viewing each other as equals! Feminists and Masculinists or however you call them are purely BIASED in their views! What kind of idiot would agree to ONE side w/o being able to view the other?! How in the world will you ever get married without some sense of compromise?

I think someone still lives in the cave because this is some prehistoric ish that I'm hearing! I think we live in the 21st century not something out of the 1950's where women are supposed to be home taking care of the kids and men bringing home the bacon!

Sorry, wake up! It's a whole new world out there and men and women actually respect eachother! Of course, I can understand why you even agree to this idiot's views and take on feminism....I've always known you were part of the HE-MAN WOMAN HATER club! hahahahaha

This is all

Kudos to you Beaver, your gf/wife or any woman in your life must be so proud and lucky to have you!
Old 11-06-2007 | 03:51 AM
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Originally Posted by cibs
From reading most of the responses I think many people either a) didn't read what you posted, or b) didn't understand what you posted...
Definitely true in the case of TSX Nightwalker.

Especially since I'm a woman hater.
Old 11-06-2007 | 04:10 AM
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Since no one with an opposing view has even touched on a single issue Farrell has brought up, I will provide you with more statistics to bring light to something that women, and even some men, don't seem to want care about or address:

In the United States, males are four times more likely to die by suicide than females. Male suicide rates are higher than females in all age groups (the ratio varies from 3:1 to 10:1). In other western countries, males are also much more likely to die by suicide than females (usually by a factor of 3–4:1). It was the 8th leading cause of death for males, and 19th leading cause of death for females.

Among young people 20 to 24 years of age, the youth suicide rate was 12/100,000 or 2,360 deaths among 19,711,423 people in this age group. The gender ratio for this age group was 7:1 (males: females).
Obviously, as a young man, this is not something to be concerned about... It's just, ya know, kinda sad... This disparity doesn't mean anything, no... I mean, it's not that bad, right?

Certainly there is a cause for concern. This issue alone is of significant importance. For you all to criticize me or Farrell for being a caveman or a woman-hater is just plain ignorant. I hope for the sake of argument you all realize that men suffer socially as a direct result of feminism's abuses, hypocrisies and male ambivalence.
Old 11-06-2007 | 08:16 AM
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Originally Posted by amisconception
Definitely true in the case of TSX Nightwalker.

Especially since I'm a woman hater.

That article definitely talked about both sides of the story, and definitely didn't come off as a woman hating article to me.

As much as people want to talk about equality of gender and race, these concepts are purely concepts as far as I'm concerned - until we have true equality. As long as the perceived minority of any group (be it race, gender, sexual orientation, etc) is treated in such a way that gives them MORE power than the majority and unequivocally shifts the blame to the majority EVERY time we won't have equality.

That being said, I feel that sometimes people want 'equality' across the board not realizing that to a certain extent our differences are what make us. Our differences should be celebrated and accepted not attempted to be smoothed over into one big generic group.

Donno if that makes any sense or not...
Old 11-06-2007 | 05:28 PM
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holy shit, can i get some cliffs notes....
Old 11-07-2007 | 01:22 AM
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Originally Posted by cibs
That article definitely talked about both sides of the story, and definitely didn't come off as a woman hating article to me.

As much as people want to talk about equality of gender and race, these concepts are purely concepts as far as I'm concerned - until we have true equality. As long as the perceived minority of any group (be it race, gender, sexual orientation, etc) is treated in such a way that gives them MORE power than the majority and unequivocally shifts the blame to the majority EVERY time we won't have equality.

That being said, I feel that sometimes people want 'equality' across the board not realizing that to a certain extent our differences are what make us. Our differences should be celebrated and accepted not attempted to be smoothed over into one big generic group.

Donno if that makes any sense or not...

Yes, it does make sense! Well said!

But I think you guys need to stop reading these masculine/feminine junk and read "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus"! haha I think if you guys took the time to read that you would understand women more and vice versa! I think everyone's differences can affect the relationships they have with other people and if they can't control or understand each other to some degree, then both perceptions will never come to a solid compromise and things will just be chaotic!

I think if Amisconception can try to perceive things in my point of view instead of constantly belittling my thoughts and opinions, then I think he can somewhat understand my perspective on things rather than just the negative response he always bestows upon me! Whoa, I just spoke in old english there! hahaha

But yeah, I understand to a certain degree...I just don't have time and energy to refute anyone's claims on this subject! haha
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