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360, PS3, PC: Mass Effect 3

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Old 04-26-2012, 12:24 AM
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Originally Posted by Yumcha
Thanks, dude.

Is the "he" you're referring to a friend of yours...?
My bad. I noticed I had poor syntax so I moved/deleted stuff around... and made it even worse

Yes, I let a friend of mine try ME3 multiplayer. You may want to avoid PS3 if possible though because it seems like they get screwed over on the weekly bonus XP "events" and free unlock packs or something. Shouldn't affect actual gameplay.
Old 04-26-2012, 12:52 AM
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Originally Posted by Costco
You may want to avoid PS3 if possible though because it seems like they get screwed over on the weekly bonus XP "events" and free unlock packs or something. Shouldn't affect actual gameplay.
Does Yum have a 360? I assumed he only owns Sony products.

Originally Posted by Yumcha
Do I need to play from Part 1 or can I pick it up easily with Part 3?
I know it's already been answered but I'll chime in anyway.

There is a lot to be seen in Mass Effect. It really just depends on how much time you are willing to put into it. Each Mass Effect game is a subplot of a larger story arc. There are characters you will meet in ME1 that you won't really see again until ME3. The choices you make in each game affect key points in the other games.

You could start with the third game but you won't have much of a connection with the characters. I'd at least start with the second, as you meet a ton of people in that one.

Originally Posted by Costco
I finally unlocked the Krogan Vanguard the other day.

Salarian Infiltrator with a claymore is one of my favorite classes to play. I unintentionally killsteal all the time because lvl 5 proximity mine applies a 20% damage taken debuff, and the claymore deals a shitload of damage. Nothing like getting up close with a phantom and blowing her face off.
Krogan Vanguards are crazy. Every time I have one on my team they dominate in points.

I just got a Krogan Sentinel. I haven't used him yet but I'm looking forward to it. I need to figure out how to play as Engineers and Sentinels. All my builds for those classes are pretty weak. Normally I like spec'ing things out myself but I may look up some good builds online for them.
Old 04-26-2012, 01:13 AM
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IIRC on average you will put in about ~30 hours into ME1 and ~35 into ME2 and ~25 into ME3 give or take. Maybe I'm just a nerd but I got some of the Mass Effect books and read some of the comics (free via youtube) just to read into the background on some of the characters. Only other series I've done this with is Star Wars and Halo. But I like the Mass Effect universe more than both of them.

Originally Posted by Lightus
I just got a Krogan Sentinel. I haven't used him yet but I'm looking forward to it. I need to figure out how to play as Engineers and Sentinels. All my builds for those classes are pretty weak. Normally I like spec'ing things out myself but I may look up some good builds online for them.
I saw and used an interesting build for the krogan sentinel which foregoes incinerate or whatever power they have and just puts points into damage protection/melee damage and whatever grenade they have. Then you equip a widow and a claymore, recharge time be damned.

I tried it out but I prefer the saber and claymore. Saber is awesome btw, the sound it makes is just lovely.

I still can't sing enough praise about the Salarian infiltrator... with the reload trick I posted a page back or so and a Claymore II with cloak damage bonus, I can basically one-shot a ravager in silver up close. Proximity mine for the damage taken debuff, then BOOM acid everywhere.

Useful website for said builds:

try and use high-rated recent builds... be wary of patch changes.

Can't decide whether to go with extended barrel or armor piercing mod?
Old 04-26-2012, 01:18 AM
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Ugh too much clutter. Engineers are one of my favorite classes as well. I actually play it a lot in MP, even though I never did in SP. Oddly enough, I played vanguard throughout ME1-3 but it's my least played in MP...

Chain overload + the stun is awesome. I believe overload triggers/sets up a tech burst/fire explosion off of every respective race's drone/turret abilities. I play human engie a lot, I have one specced for massive drone damage and shields (rockets) and one for stuns/CC.

Human sentinel is good too. The tech armor power damage bonus doesn't affect biotic explosions but it's still decent for those "oh shit" moments. With extra power damage I usually one-shot husks and some other trash enemies.
Old 04-26-2012, 01:32 AM
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Originally Posted by Costco
I saw and used an interesting build for the krogan sentinel which foregoes incinerate or whatever power they have and just puts points into damage protection/melee damage and whatever grenade they have. Then you equip a widow and a claymore, recharge time be damned.

I tried it out but I prefer the saber and claymore. Saber is awesome btw, the sound it makes is just lovely.

Useful website for said builds:

Can't decide whether to go with extended barrel or armor piercing mod?
I actually saw that website awhile back, I just chose not to use it as I like working out the math and figuring out the best combo's myself. With some classes though, I just have no experience and don't want to start a build only to realize I was all wrong at level 10.

The extended barrel vs AP mod is interesting. Thanks for the link!

Originally Posted by Costco
Ugh too much clutter. Engineers are one of my favorite classes as well. I actually play it a lot in MP, even though I never did in SP. Oddly enough, I played vanguard throughout ME1-3 but it's my least played in MP...

Human sentinel is good too. The tech armor power damage bonus doesn't affect biotic explosions but it's still decent for those "oh shit" moments. With extra power damage I usually one-shot husks and some other trash enemies.
Yeah I used Vanguard in all the games as well. Barely touch it in MP. Maybe we got burned out with that class with the amount of time we played them in SP? I do like playing as a Drell vanguard though. It's a whole different play style from the other classes. You have pretty much no heath, but can do a ton of damage. You have to focus on hit and run only. It's fun if you wanna switch things up a bit.

I need to unlock more stuff. I'm pretty limited in both weapons and characters. I just get too impatient to wait for 60K credits!
Old 04-26-2012, 10:03 AM
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Thanks for the feedback, folks. And yeah, I only have the PS3...don't own a 360.
Old 04-26-2012, 11:20 AM
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lol speaking of the Murder Train........ last night I played bronze just cause I needed 5000 credits to buy a new spectre pack and I wanted to do it fast. So.... with my Krogan Vanguard, by wave 3, I had 40,000+ points and one guy left cause he was mad at me

By wave 7, the other 2 guys were yelling at me to leave them some kills, so I just sat in a corner until the game finished.....and I still had the most points LOL.

I can pretty much solo on Silver with him. Should be fun this weekend on Gold.
Old 04-30-2012, 01:38 AM
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I have been giving this game a break lately. I figure I might as well work on my backlog while I still have time before school starts back up. I finished Alan Wake's second DLC, Alan Wake's American Nightmare, Costume Quest: Grubbins on Ice, and made some significant progress on Deus Ex: Human Revolution.

It's amazing how much time I was putting into this game. I didn't really notice until now.
Old 04-30-2012, 04:50 AM
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I saw the highest N7 rating person yet. I was over at my friend's house and he played on Xbox with a guy that was 2600+ that's probably his weight as well

Finally specced a human vanguard with nova. My reaction

I freaking solo'd geth on bronze with a claymore. The nova cancel is ridiculous, though if they removed it that would completely neuter HVs. Then on silver I got smacked silly.
Old 04-30-2012, 05:02 AM
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I saw a 700+ but that's the highest I've seen. 2600+ is insane. You get a max of 120 if you have every class full then +10 for every promotion. That means he promoted at least 248 classes. At that rate, he has to just be farming xp. I find that extremely boring, but to each their own.

Yeah, the nova+charge combo is crazy. Just like you said though, it's mostly worthless for silver. Good thing too, because it would render all other classes useless if it wasn't.
Old 04-30-2012, 11:23 AM
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even funnier when you watch them play like that on many noobs and failures this weekend.

It was frustrating playing with idiots who never played Gold before. Good thing I got my Gold matches done before the influx. I still need to finish Gold on 2 more maps before I get that achievement
Old 04-30-2012, 10:24 PM
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Originally Posted by Lightus
I saw a 700+ but that's the highest I've seen. 2600+ is insane. You get a max of 120 if you have every class full then +10 for every promotion. That means he promoted at least 248 classes. At that rate, he has to just be farming xp. I find that extremely boring, but to each their own.

Yeah, the nova+charge combo is crazy. Just like you said though, it's mostly worthless for silver. Good thing too, because it would render all other classes useless if it wasn't.
My only guess is that he's sharing an account with roommates or something. I don't think I could even accomplish that even if I played 12 hours straight, every day.

Originally Posted by TSXy Luster
even funnier when you watch them play like that on many noobs and failures this weekend.

It was frustrating playing with idiots who never played Gold before. Good thing I got my Gold matches done before the influx. I still need to finish Gold on 2 more maps before I get that achievement
Yep.... impossible to win without at least someone you know/someone who is communicating IMO. The other part is having people cooperate as well. If someone goes down and the other three people don't work together to revive them on the later waves, it's hell. Especially with what seems like 6-10+ phantoms on each of the later waves, as well as 2-3 atlases at once
Old 05-01-2012, 04:10 PM
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One of my new favorite builds, since I hate that all of my caster classes have a Phalanx/Carnifex. Salarian sniper rifle weight passive gives me 190% recharge with a mantis X (extended barrel, armor piercing mod). guardians, lol.

At least on silver, maxed energy drain strips the entire shields off of almost every non-boss type, and a headshot from the mantis will be the end of them. I can imagine a paladin would be good too but I don't like as much as I'd hoped.

You spend less time out of cover, too. Just don't let a phantom catch you with your pants down.
Old 05-01-2012, 04:44 PM
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oops, forgot to post it.
Old 05-09-2012, 05:19 AM
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1.5 hour documentary on ME3's ending.

This is a rather well made video detailing the indoctrination theory and whether it is even plausible or not. I don't really care one way or the other. I enjoyed my time with the game, and I couldn't care less that the ending was bad now. I do find this stuff interesting for whatever reason though.

If you find this stuff interesting as well, you may wanna watch the video (HD link up on youtube).

I have a bunch of time to spare before the book store opens so I plan on laying back and watching the whole thing.

<object width="853" height="480"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=";hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="853" height="480" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>
Old 05-09-2012, 06:38 AM
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Okay, I lied. After watching that, I'd prefer the ending to support the indoctrination theory. If not no biggie, but I think it would be smart of Bioware to do so since it would save how the game is viewed in the long run.

A few interesting things noted in the video that I didn't know:

- The dead bodies next to the beam to the Citadel looks exactly like a bunch of dead Kaidans and Ashleys.

- One of the lead employees "tweeted" that the Normandy was not using a Mass Relay when hit with the Mass Relay explosion. She also said she couldn't say more without spoilers.

- The Official guide states specifically that Shepard lives with the best red ending. Why does he awake in London? How could he survive that explosion?

There are a ton more, but I'm not listing them all out.

Of course this all could be 100% false. Like I said before, however, I find this stuff pretty interesting regardless. Either way, I'm excited to see what Bioware is making for the summer DLC.
Old 05-09-2012, 12:16 PM
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Old 05-09-2012, 01:49 PM
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Regardless of if it is true or not, the fact that so many things line up exactly to support their theory is oddly coincidental. A lot (most) of them could be scene as laziness on the developers part.

Others you are forced to look at. Such as Shep drawing breath in London rubble. If it's not IT and rather actually happened, how? Maybe the extended cut scenes will help explain it.
Old 05-09-2012, 05:53 PM
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When people want to justify something crazy of their own, they usually find something somehow to make it so.

Same reasoning behind end of the world/rapture cults.
Old 05-09-2012, 06:57 PM
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Tis true.
Old 05-10-2012, 05:34 AM
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Just more support for the viability of the shotgun infiltrator.... I don't even use sniper rifles with my infiltrators anymore.

Guy with Geth infiltrator solos gold in 29 minutes on arguably the hardest map.

Armor piercing with hunter mode and a claymore.... beautiful. I feel like I've semi-plateaued with my salarian infiltrator and the hunter mode bonuses to damage and accuracy are just ridiculous. It tightens up the cone of the claymore even more. Just have to get used to the squishyness of the Geth.

If anything just skip to wave 6 at 12:11 where he blows away phantom after phantom effortlessly. I'd straight up say it's OP.

.... can't wait to try it!
Old 06-25-2012, 05:59 PM
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Just a heads up, tomorrow the new Extended Cut DLC will be released. It's 1.9 gigs and releases at different times depending on your platform (Microsoft and Sony have control over the exact time so it may vary).

360: 5 a.m.
ps3: Afternoon
PC: 2 p.m. or earlier.

(all times Eastern)

Also, the required EMS for the "best" ending has been lowered to roughly 3100.

There is supposedly new content before "the beam" as well, so it should help clarify everything a bit more, not just what happens post-game.

Info taken from here:!/GambleMike

I know what I'm doing tomorrow!

Last edited by Lightus; 06-25-2012 at 06:03 PM.
Old 06-28-2012, 01:25 AM
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I just finished up beating it again with the extended scenes. Man, that was so much better. It helped fill in a lot of gaps and added quite a bit on top. I'm left wanting more, but that's not surprising. I think I will always want more Mass Effect, as long as they maintain this quality.

I picked the green ending again. I just feel it's the best decision. Now I need to go look up all other endings. I highly recommend replaying with the extended scenes if you haven't already.

P.S. - I can't wait for some new non-multiplayer DLC!

Edit - I just saw the post credits scene. It sorta doesn't make sense anymore... I guess Bioware over looked that part haha.

Last edited by Lightus; 06-28-2012 at 01:29 AM.
Old 02-12-2013, 02:58 AM
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"How most NPCs see Shepard"


made me laugh.

still haven't played the extended cut. Urgh, just burned myself out on multiplayer and can't pick up the game again...
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