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Old 02-26-2010, 03:01 PM
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^there's a tricky sequence in order to do that....

You have to get every loyalty mission done aside from Tali's, and make sure you have everything else you need done, done. Once you acquire the IFF, you talk to the Geth and he'll bring up his, er, its loyalty mission. Then the IFF won't be installed right away
Old 02-26-2010, 03:06 PM
I disagree with unanimity
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Ahh. I'll have to remember that my next run through.
Old 02-28-2010, 01:12 AM
I disagree with unanimity
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First run through finished.

Starting a second run through on insanity level. It's going to take a while to pass this. It's like 2 shots and you're dead.
Old 02-28-2010, 02:00 AM
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I chickened out when I was making my Vanguard and ended up setting it at just Hardcore. I'm just too damn OCD and I hate having to beat missions by myself. I like it when my squadmates to survive and help me. I don't mind when one goes down but I don't wanna be SOL and out of medigels when I need it the most. On the level with the moving platforms, I got pissed off because my teammates kept dying and even though I beat the level, I used up 4 medigels so I re-loaded it until I beat it and only had to use 1 medigel

I haven't tried the Revenant yet but I ended up choosing an assault rifle this time around. The Vindicator kicks ass, its a perfect complement for my Vanguard. Inferno Ammo (maxed) - 3 bursts to the head and normal Collectors go down. Reminds me of the Halo 3 Battle Rifle, but better! Only problem is the low ammo cap.

I think on my next playthrough, if I do go through with it I'm going to do a soldier. I wish I went with a renegade female Shepard in ME1 though. I always wanted to play as a total cunt
Old 03-04-2010, 03:10 AM
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Figured it was better to post it here
Old 03-04-2010, 08:20 AM
I disagree with unanimity
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So when I beat the game last go round, I decided to keep my level 26 character and abilities (because I was too scared to play on insanity with a new character), but in doing so I forgot that your character maxes out at level 30. Now, insanity is insanely hard. Really, it's more time consuming than hard. Your team members are idiots and die instantly if you don't tell them to hide behind cover and it takes so many bullets (even with my lvl 30 abilities and weapons) to kill even the simplest of enemies. You have to slowly peck away at the enemies and it requires quite a bit of patience. I've logged about 4 hours and I've only made it past recruiting Mordin.

Is it this hard because I am a lvl 30, or is insanity generally this ridiculous?

My ego is telling me to quit being a pussy and play it through, but I was thinking just scrapping this run and starting fresh. Partly because of the difficulty, but mostly because it's no fun if you can't level up.

One of life's hard dilemmas.
Old 03-04-2010, 06:52 PM
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oh yeah, on the forum threads I've read, people noted that it was harder to do a New Game + (playing again, by importing a ME2 character) and in part because of the level 30 cap, and that the enemies are scaled up to your level, which was something I'm not sure I understand. I guess they scale up to your current level at the time that you start the game, which would explain the insane difficulty.

I've heard multiple people claim that "Insanity mode was made for the soldier" and "Soldier makes insanity a breeze compared to the other classes" etc. Of course I don't know this for myself since I haven't compared classes on insanity, but the majority of the opinions are that. There are some people say its not the best though, or boring. A few people say Sentinel is the best because of how hard it is to die, but IMO its boring to only be able to use SMGs/pistols.

I wouldn't blame ya if you feel like a pussy for not sticking with it. I'm going to go with Insanity my next playthrough, which will probably be a while from now since I don't want to get bored of ME2, but if it gets too hard I'm gonna drop it to Hardcore. Personally I don't really care about getting the achievement, I just want a (fair) challenge. The whole point of a game is to be fun... no point if you break your controller and stop playing the game out of frustration.

It's just with my Vanguard on Hardcore, every merc battle is cake even against krogan bosses. Inferno ammo helps so much.
Old 03-05-2010, 11:50 AM
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Old 03-05-2010, 12:15 PM
I disagree with unanimity
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haha the first vid is great!
Old 03-05-2010, 12:42 PM
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I like the first/ last vid best.

First vid would have been much better if they added the right trigger/click interruption instead of having it as a dialog tree.
Old 09-13-2011, 04:51 PM
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Hardly remember the choices and builds I used in ME1 and ME2. So I'm thinking about starting over from scratch completely, as in from ME1 then to ME2. The story is just too good.

Anyone try this before? It's gonna take me a while and I might not finish but I think it will tide me over until BF3 comes out.
Old 09-14-2011, 09:38 PM
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I am actually just about to finish up doing that now. I played all of ME1, trying to get my Shepard to level 60. At the last mission I got to level 59 and saw that it takes like 100,000 points to get to level 60.

I didn't feel like starting another whole new game to get one more level since it would take way too long (I feel I have to all the assignments every play through as well). I just went on to ME2 with my level 59 Shep.

The first time I beat ME2 I didn't have any of the add-ons. I went ahead and bought all of them for this play through. They were great and added on quite a bit to the game. Playing ME2 right after ME1 added a bit more depth to the games, as I picked up a lot of details I didn't notice (or remember) my first play through. Now I can't wait for ME3.
Old 09-14-2011, 11:22 PM
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^that's one reason why I wanted to play it all over too, to connect the story better. A year and a half between each game leaves too much to forget. I just remembered why I loved this game so much (and was annoyed by it too). I'll probably d/l the add-ons this time around. Plus, they're free on PC!

I ended up downloading ME1 for the PC now that I have a PC and a monitor worth a damn. Just prefer the control scheme, and I wanted to see the difference. Can't find my ME1 copy anyway.

Is it me or is the squad AI really shitty on the 360? I liked the control system on the 360 better.... just press left on the D-pad to send one member one place, and right on the dpad for the other. I command them to get behind cover, and they say "destination blocked" or some crap. They don't lean up against cover or worse, they stand out in the open.

Can I transfer my old file saves from my 20GB 360 HDD to a new 120GB one or whatever it is now? Dunno if I'll get a new Xbox, but just curious.

I know, this should be in the ME1 thread but it's kinda irrelevant now, might as well keep it in here.

Last edited by Costco; 09-14-2011 at 11:24 PM.
Old 09-21-2011, 11:13 PM
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I haven't played the PC version so I can't compare the AI's, but I can say that the 360 version does suck. I play as vanguard though, so it isn't really a big deal. I normally only use them for their squad ammo and to drop someone's shields in a hurry. In most cases I leave them sitting there if they die during a fight. I cannot tell you how many times one of my squad members thought it would be okay to stand completely still on top of a table during a firefight.

Yes, you can transfer your files over to the new slim models. I'm not sure if the transfer cable comes in the box though. I'd assume so, but with Microsoft you never know...

So, I finally beat my "real" play through of ME2. On the final level Mordin randomly died. Apparently he couldn't stand the heat. I couldn't allow that so I went to load my last save...only to realize I didn't save once the entire mission. Had to play it all over.

Also, Mattock and Geth Plasma Shotgun FTW. Charge the Geth Shotty to full, use charge on your enemy, blast said enemy and repeat.
Old 09-21-2011, 11:33 PM
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can't wait to transfer my Vanguard over to ME2. I've been making stupid progress on my character during some of my days off :shakehead

I forgot how fun this game is. I also remember watching people play Vanguard in ME2 on youtube and it looked ridiculously fun.
Old 09-22-2011, 12:33 AM
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Vanguard is really the only way I can picture playing. What did you use before?

It's fun to try out different classes and see the advantages of each, especially when it's a "pure" class such as adept or soldier. Once you get into the upper levels, it's almost overwhelming. With adept you can send a constant barrage of attacks, there is barely a cool down time at all. I just feel too limited with a pure class though. I like the variety that vanguard gives.

Be prepared for a disappointment intially after starting ME2. I had gotten so used to ME1 that it was hard to adjust to ME2: "Where are all my abilities?? Why do I have to use ammo?? Why can I not use biotics on a shielded enemy?? Why can't I walk around the Presidium??" etc. After a few missions, I realized that most all the changes were for the best. They are forcing you to play a bit more tactically, which in turn really made the game play a lot better. It's no longer a "use this power, shoot head, repeat". Now I actually have to spend a bit more time thinking about what type of enemies I am likely to encounter, what are my character strengths/weaknesses, what skills are best suited for the mission and so on.

On my initial play through, I felt ME1 blew ME2 out of the water. This time around though, I'm having a hard time deciding which one I liked better. I can honestly say I liked the game play in ME2 much more. The environments in ME2 were better as well. For some reason though, I can't decide. ME1 just did it "right", I can't put my finger on it. Here is to hoping ME3 follows suit of the first two.
Old 09-22-2011, 12:57 AM
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I was an Infiltrator, the only class I finished ME1 and ME2 with. I just have this thing where I think sniper rifles are sweet in any sort of game that has them, including games other than shooters, such as the Ghosts in Starcraft 2.

The slow-mo and the stealth are what really did it for me. I'm with you on pure classes. The only class I played other than Infiltrator and Vanguard was Soldier and tbh it was kinda boring, though that was shortly after I just finished a second playthrough.

biotic charge is too awesome. "Storming" with a shotgun towards enemies is fun but it's not the same.

ultimately though I think I just can't be a "support" class like the engineer or sentinel. I like the ability take people down, not just whittle them down. No surprise that my favorite squad members were usually Ashley, Garrus, Wrex, Thane and Grunt.... I like them to be strong combat wise too. None of this pistol only BS. Just my
Old 09-23-2011, 08:27 PM
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Old 09-23-2011, 10:22 PM
I disagree with unanimity
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Man you guys are making me want to do a new run on ME1. I haven't played any game in months. I know I would spend way too much time playing if I started again. So tempted...
Old 09-23-2011, 10:55 PM
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Do it, do it, do it!
Old 09-24-2011, 02:08 AM
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Totally worth it if anything for the immersion of the story. But I'm a sci-fi pseudo-nerd so anything with a solid storyline and space travel will get me giddy.

And definitely roll a new class.
Old 10-07-2011, 02:20 AM
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You were totally right Lightus. Vanguard is a freaking awesome class, especially in ME2.

Krogan charges at me? NO, how about I charge at YOU! love setting people on fire with incendiary ammo too, and how their ashes just become dust in the wind.
Old 10-09-2011, 10:58 PM
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Well I am going to redo everything from ME1 to ME3. I lost my save from ME1 since my xbox died so now I am going to start from scratch.
Old 10-09-2011, 11:06 PM
I disagree with unanimity
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Originally Posted by Lightus
Do it, do it, do it!

I started ME1 as a vanguard. I just finished recruiting my team. I forgot how much I enjoyed this game.
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Old 10-10-2011, 02:18 AM
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Wait until you play ME2 as a vanguard.... freakin love it. Get heavy charge ASAP.
Old 10-10-2011, 03:19 PM
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Originally Posted by Costco
You were totally right Lightus. Vanguard is a freaking awesome class, especially in ME2.

Krogan charges at me? NO, how about I charge at YOU! love setting people on fire with incendiary ammo too, and how their ashes just become dust in the wind.
Yeah, the charge skill is by far the best in the game. Level it all the way up, have your armor focused on shields, and enjoy. It helps that it only takes a few seconds to recharge haha.

Incendiary ammo was my default ammo of choice, I would only switch to other types when I was fighting specific enemies.

Originally Posted by SRK85
Well I am going to redo everything from ME1 to ME3. I lost my save from ME1 since my xbox died so now I am going to start from scratch.
That sucks about the lost save file. At least now you get the chance to relive all the action.

Originally Posted by sho_nuff1997
I started ME1 as a vanguard. I just finished recruiting my team. I forgot how much I enjoyed this game.

Oh, has anyone read the Mass Effect books? I've read them all, and felt they added a lot to the story (well at least the first one did). They are short and fun. The next one come out in January, but is written by William C. Dietz.
Old 10-13-2011, 01:23 PM
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I got a couple of the books but I think I only read one of them. Quite interesting, I think it's the book that has a girl in the Alliance and features Captain Anderson in the past.

I got some of the storyline-related DLCs this time around too. Lair of the Shadow Broker was awesome, definitely worth it. Some of the most interesting fights I've played in this game so far.
Old 03-03-2012, 08:45 PM
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Did any of you guys get the Arrival DLC? Gotta finish my game up before ME3 comes out... which is way too soon.

I've read conflicting opinions that Arrival would bridge the gap between ME2 and ME3. Is this true or just fluff because it was the last DLC released?
Old 03-03-2012, 09:40 PM
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Arrival was pretty "meh" in my opinion. It sorta bridged the gap I suppose, but it felt very rushed. I enjoyed it, but it didn't feel as polished as the other DLC's.
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