Speeders: If you won't lead, DON'T FOLLOW

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Old 01-22-2011 | 08:53 PM
Ch33sE1's Avatar
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If ur already going that fast and he's tailing u, two things come to mind. 1, he's smart and using u as bait. 2, ur calling him a pussy for tailing u, if u really had the balls, pedal to the right, and loose him.
Old 01-22-2011 | 09:02 PM
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He tried 2, got up to more than 160 km/h.
Old 01-22-2011 | 09:24 PM
friesm2000's Avatar
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Originally Posted by nfnsquared
105 in a Cobalt?? Now that's ballsy
108 indicted in a 02 Chevy cavalier (with the base motor too), governor started to kick in though
Old 01-22-2011 | 09:27 PM
Tommys TL's Avatar
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When i was young and dumb a couple years back i use to drive like a dumbass. I use to speed like there was no tomorrow. I had to retake my test becaus i had so many speeding tickets. I learned my lesson quick because my insurance jumped so much.
Now i only go 5 over the limit. I haven't had a speeding ticket in like 15 years. Getting old and smart
If you feel the need to speed i suggest not doing it on public road but doing it on the track.
Anyway be safe
Old 01-23-2011 | 01:09 AM
csmeance's Avatar
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Originally Posted by I hate cars
That's what I can't stand. People that tailgate you because you have a line of 50 cars in front of you going too slow. I don't get it. I think it's a lack of intelligence or no ability to see the big picture, all they see is the car that's right in front of them that's going too slow.
^ I hate tailgaters that do that, it's not like I can move any faster!

Originally Posted by LaCostaRacer
The follower must not realize that cops can and do stop multiple cars especially at 100+ speeds. I have seen multiple cars pulled over on 395 going to Mammoth and even on 5.
Cops in FL can be pretty big on this. I've seen a pack of about 10 cars get pulled over by an undercover in a Volvo who were doing about 12 over the speed limit. A few minutes later 2 more LEO's come out and help him start handing out tickets. This guy literally sped up to about 120 for about half a mile, slams on his brakes and stops. Gets out and motions all the cars to pull over. (I wasn't pulled over, I saw the whole thing from the slow lane doing the speed limit).

I drive a long distance once a month or so on a single lane road that's about 100 miles long. On this road there are a few passing zones where most of the time people are flying doing 90+. Only once I have encountered somebody NOT tailgating me. I've had cars see a who pack in front of me and insist on flashing high beams and tailgating me.

My solution, start weaving. I'll move side to side in my lane weaving. Usually the person gets the message after this. If they don't then I start slowing down and speeding up erratically. Say I'm going 60MPH. I'll let off the gas till about 45 and then speed up to catch the person in front of me and repeat. IF the person at this point doesn't get it, I simply move halfway onto the shoulder and motion for them to pass. Once they do I stay behind them at a somewhat closer than normal distance and turn on my high-beams. I make sure that one of my beams are hitting the driver-side, side mirror at all times.

I've been tempted to install some HID tailgater lights though...

As far as my stories go, once a while back when I first had gotten the 760, I was driving a long distance journey when a black 750 comes onto the highway and starts following me. A mile or two later he passes me and comes besides me. He notices the badge on the fender and gives a thumbs up. Suddenly he speeds up and gets in front of me. This whole time I'm doing about 75 on an empty highway in the center lane. He starts going about 85 and I follow suit since it's empty and it's the middle of the day. This goes on for another few miles and then A dark grey 745 merges onto the highway and stays behind me doing 85. We went on for about 2 hours like this, a pack of 7 series. Then I had to take my exit...
Old 01-23-2011 | 03:01 AM
libert69's Avatar
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Hey OP, I have to agree with you on this one. At least 75% of my driving is done during late night hours when there is little to no traffic on the road. I probably get someone doing the same thing that happened to you about every other day. It really does piss me off too. Like you said, if dont want to be the first car setting the speed then go around me.

Ill switch lanes only to have that person slow down and match the speed. Sometimes not even changing lanes. I usually like to engine brake and see what the reaction is LOL.

Although I will admit I have pushed the pace pretty fast pretty quick to see if they are game. Most of the time they dont bite. A few seconds at wot can create a pretty big gap then I slow down to my previous speed.

I dont get tickets so no concern there
Old 01-23-2011 | 03:38 AM
ciscopath's Avatar
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Trying to cover some of the points made so far so this will be lengthy.
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I admit that I'm a speeder but I can't agree with reckless. I was not "driving erratically (wildly varying speeds)" like stvtec describes. I didn't say "I HIT the gas and GUNNED it up to 105". I said "I made it up there". If you read my post, I drive this road 5 days a week. Except for vacations, I've done so for the last 3 years. I can tell you where every single speed trap is and which spots are nested in the most. I can even tell you the best places to go WOT. Repetition is the ultimate teacher. Very rarely but on occasion, they pick up a new spot. Unfortunately, I got popped in one last November. Actually told the cop it was great hiding spot. We both laughed……………………………….as he continued to write the ticket. Before that, over a year since my last one. <o:p></o:p>
Old 01-23-2011 | 03:43 AM
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Driving is not a point A to B thing for me. Like I said before, I absolutely LOVE driving and take it pretty seriously. I became a licensed driver at 16 but I was driving to the grocery store and my mom to church by 12. I'm one of those people who can get in their car and take the interstate loop around the city for a couple laps. People ask me all the time what the gas mileage is like on the TL. I never know because my driving habits depend upon my mood and whenever the tank is low, I just fill it up and keep moving. I even leave for work earlier than necessary so I won’t be late in case I’m pulled over. Yep, ya heard right. I know I’m going to speed so I literally anticipate getting a ticket whenever I’m behind the wheel. Just like cops (to keep themselves sharp) are supposed to have the mindset that they could be shot or killed whenever on duty.
Old 01-23-2011 | 03:46 AM
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Every now and again, I run into a-holes like this that don't respect personal space. The point that KN_TL and drcoke caught and jimmyl failed miserably on was that the Grand Prix failed at trailing. I don't mind blocking but it's stupid to ride that close because if there were two cops ahead, then we're both busted anyway. The smart thing is to create a buffer zone big enough to keep the vehicle's taillights in view. And yes, jimmyl, a person's lights can hinder you. Even a cop car with all its lights off can be spotted by the light of my headlights reflecting off it's headlight housing mirror, hubcap, or mirror. It also helps to take mental notes of your surroundings i.e. my light is bouncing off something that wasn't there last night (I take driving that freaking serious). 9 times out of 10, it's a pop can or reflective debris but it's saved me more times than it's failed me. But his headlights blinding me drops those odds and therefore makes me an inadequate blocker. So, yeah, there is a method to my madness.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
Old 01-23-2011 | 03:48 AM
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Can't say that they condone, but I believe that Killer G, imj0257, IHC, and others understand where I'm coming from. I love to the "pack mentality" where we take turns as lead, where if you're coming up on a diesel, the back person gets over first to make sure everyone else gets in. It's almost gets emotional when someone leaves the pack to take an exit or the hand wave, light flash, or that one horn-honk you get as you take yours. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
Old 01-23-2011 | 03:50 AM
ciscopath's Avatar
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I know alot of this is falling on deaf ears. No, stvtec, I don't expect my "code" to mean much to you but it's not supposed to. That's what makes it MY code. And to those in the "against" category, I appreciate your posts because at least I started a thread that had enough substance to bring you in here. On the other hand, if I had the power, I would delete all your posts because they serve no purpose here. Originally, my thread was only called "If you won't lead, DON'T FOLLOW" but I went back and added Speeders: because (A) these are the people I wanted to hear from and (B) to make it clear that this was not the thread to bring up your friend's accident, "why speed in the first place?", how there's a cop around every corner, or weighing the pros/cons of getting to your destination a couple minutes earlier. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
Old 01-23-2011 | 03:56 AM
ciscopath's Avatar
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But since I have you here, let me get some things off my chest. Why do I speed? It’s my guilty pleasure, my vice. Just like you chain-smoking, alcoholic, glue-sniffing Justin Bieber fans out there. And just like any vice, not immediately but over time, there’s always a chance it’ll catch up to you. Either by harm or death. You know the possible outcome but you keep on doing it. And, yes, being a Justin Bieber fan can result in death. Why did I get hot over something so "petty"? Ask me that question after you pitch your next fit over not having a cigarette in over an hour, your favorite restaurant cooking your steak well-done instead of medium well, or repeatedly getting killed while trying to make it down the dang hill and into that freaking bunker on the SOG level of C.O.D.: Black Ops. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
And I hate people who use “At your age, I can’t believe…..” as if age has ever been a direct reflection of maturity. No human is perfect and no matter the age, we will always have “What’s the F was I thinking?” moments. So all you “old, mature people” who lash out at their wives because their favorite team lost the playoffs, chose to go out with your friends instead of to your kid’s recital, or fantasize whether neighbor’s 15-yr-old is a dirty little whore: SHUT UP!!! <o:p></o:p>
None of us are saints. We all fall short somewhere so keep the holier-than-thou BS to yourself. <o:p></o:p>
Old 01-23-2011 | 04:52 AM
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I don't agree with what that person did by following you but I don't agree with what you did either. Do what you want... Just don't get anyone hurt or complain when you get a speeding ticket.

Chances are if the LEO does pull somebody over, it'll be the person in the back and not in front. Usually... Police pull people over from behind and it's just easier than cutting someone off.

I can't say I'm a saint or anything, but at least I can say I've learned from my (and others') mistakes. I can also say my insurance is probably cheaper than most other people my age and that I have ZERO speeding tickets. Going off of "learning from others' mistakes", I wouldn't rant about breaking the law on the Internet. 105 in I'm guessing a 65? You were going at least 25 over, there. The speed limit is the speed limit, if you were going at least 5 over you'd pretty much be screwed.

Don't go telling people what not to say either. You posted it on the Internet, you will get away with nothing.
Old 01-23-2011 | 06:23 AM
ciscopath's Avatar
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I can't prevent anyone from posting their opinions but my thread was aimed at a specific subset: people who find it aggravating when someone doesn't take the lead or trails to close and people who feel it's alright. Anything else is just filler. Like your comment about your insurance being cheap and having zero tickets. That's all well and good but it has nothing to do with the topic. There are plenty of threads on this site that are already chockful of chicken-soup-for-the-soul, home-spun wisdom to be shared. Do I advocate speeding? No, but I do speed. Plain and simple.

Admins, feel free to close this thread as it's gotten ample responses.

Last edited by ciscopath; 01-23-2011 at 06:34 AM.
Old 01-23-2011 | 10:58 AM
friesm2000's Avatar
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Originally Posted by ciscopath
Driving is not a point A to B thing for me. Like I said before, I absolutely LOVE driving and take it pretty seriously. I became a licensed driver at 16 but I was driving to the grocery store and my mom to church by 12. I'm one of those people who can get in their car and take the interstate loop around the city for a couple laps. People ask me all the time what the gas mileage is like on the TL. I never know because my driving habits depend upon my mood and whenever the tank is low, I just fill it up and keep moving. I even leave for work earlier than necessary so I won’t be late in case I’m pulled over. Yep, ya heard right. I know I’m going to speed so I literally anticipate getting a ticket whenever I’m behind the wheel. Just like cops (to keep themselves sharp) are supposed to have the mindset that they could be shot or killed whenever on duty.
, same here kinda, but i do check mine, but i expect it to be shitty though, at like 18 mpg, and i have gotten 15 at times too, but yeah it kinda depends on mood, and what time i drive, and traffic on the road
Old 01-23-2011 | 11:13 AM
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This forum has thousands of members, so you're gonna get every kind of person and opinion in here, whether you like it or not. It's a fact, and honestly, AZ would be pretty useless if everybody just agreed with each other.

It sounds like you expect anyone who follows you to have that "pack mentality". If they don't, you can't get angry at them. If you're speeding, you're speeding. End of story. Speed limits are in place for a reason. It doesn't matter how many times you drive that particular road, or if you "take driving seriously". There are always unaccountables. I'm not a GM engineer, but at 105 you're probably overdriving the Cobalt's lights. That's dangerous for aboslutely anybody.

Why should any other car force you to speed? If he's tailgating, move over. If he's still tailgating you no matter what speed, there are a bunch of things you can do for him to get the message. If not, then you can pull over. You don't keep increasing your speed to lose him, and then get mad when it doesn't work.
Old 01-23-2011 | 11:24 AM
turbowhistle86's Avatar
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I guess I personally don't really see what beef the OP has....I don't do it myself, I typically set the cruise at 10 over whatever the limit is. If someone goes flying by me at say 85 on the interstate, I may jump from 75 up to 80, still knowing that Mr. I'm in a hurry will more than likely get nabbed before I do.

If you're calling them for not being "ballsy", I say you might be just as much at fault for being upset that he's using you to cover his ass.
Old 01-23-2011 | 12:35 PM
Fireguy0826's Avatar
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I dont see why its a big deal. The fact that he got you to go 105mph is kinda funny. If you had got pulled over at 105, i think you would have been a bit more pissed off. What is the speed limit there?

I hate retarded drivers too, but honestly in the grand schme of things, not a big deal, what if you had got into an accident because of this???

I travel 50 miles one way to work, and see this shit all the time, but who cares. Not worth a big ass ticket or death.
Old 01-23-2011 | 12:46 PM
fuzzy02CLS's Avatar
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At this point, I'm hot
Really? There's a ton more to worry about. Yeah I hate it too, but I don't let it get to me. You pulled over at a exit to cool down? Again WTF? Maybe you need some anger management counseling....

If it happens to me & it does I simply move over & do the speed limit. Let him pull out when another car is speeding by.
Old 01-23-2011 | 02:43 PM
k23a1's Avatar
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I've been through many of those incidents, but I think speeding up will only encourage the speedtards to speed up more. I will eventually change lanes to let them pass, and if they dont, i move back in lane and pursue my original speed.

In other cases, retards tailgate me at already above the speed limit, so I will slow down to a 60MPH cruise to piss them off, and they move away.
Old 01-23-2011 | 03:16 PM
1StGenCL's Avatar
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How has the OP not been flamed more? 105? Speeding up slowing down? Pulling over to cool off, wth?

If he annoys you so much, go around the speed limit and he will leave. I agree it is annoying to have a car follow you close but these things happen, especially when you are moving at a much higher rate then other traffic. I find myself in packs with cars speeding and like someone else mentioned, we usually trade off leading but never random up and downs like that nor 105. Is it right to do, no but no need to try and annoy the other guy.

Oh, as someone else mentioned, they can and will pull numerous cars over, they pull up next to you and point. I have seen it many times in Florida.
Old 01-23-2011 | 05:37 PM
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I usually conveniently need to wash my windshield when someone is riding my butt, doing 75+.
Old 01-23-2011 | 05:48 PM
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And when you're going that fast, you need to make sure your brakes work... I like to double-check...
Old 01-23-2011 | 06:42 PM
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Old 01-24-2011 | 12:00 AM
ciscopath's Avatar
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This is all pretty funny to me because I don't have any idea what story you read but here's my interpretation of what I guess you feel I did that night.

Flying down the interstate at 85 MPH, I pass this group of snails doing the limit. COWARDS!!! All of a sudden, this Pontiac Grand Prix wants to be a bad ass and try to ride me. He didn't know who he was F-ing with. I run these streets. I gunned it 95 to see if he had a pair and he stayed with me. Oh, a wise guy, huh? I did a quick lane change, slammed on the brakes, jumped behind him, and started flashing my lights while yelling "GO" out the window. Coward crawled at 75. I think this cat sees my point now so I jump back around to 85. Here he comes again. Chevy Cobalt or not, this chump's not gonna punk me. Boom, 105 going strong. Yeah, that speed means an automatic arrest but F the police. F a holding cell. I gotta point to make. Weaving in and out of traffic, this fool is still on me!!!. Now I'm starting to go Bruce Banner over here. I see this exit up ahead so I jump from the far left lane over to the exit. Stuck my hand out the window and flipped the guy off while barely missing the RAMP SPEED 35 sign. I throw the car in park and without thinking, laid on the horn and gave the radio two good punches while cursing up a storm. I called my moms to tell her what happened. She told me don't worry about it, I'm still the best driver on the road. Mama always knows what to say. I get back on the interstate knowing I lost this battle but not to worry, AZners. The war is far from over.

Now that I see it this way..............Man, I suck.
Old 01-24-2011 | 12:27 AM
mcflyguy24's Avatar
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Originally Posted by I hate cars
That's what I can't stand. People that tailgate you because you have a line of 50 cars in front of you going too slow. I don't get it. I think it's a lack of intelligence or no ability to see the big picture, all they see is the car that's right in front of them that's going too slow.

I have no problem opening it up to 90+ when you're the only car on a 5 lane highway but that's becoming pretty rare now. I know there's always the unexpected but I have no problem controlling the car at those speeds. I've slid the GN around at those speeds probably a few hundred times since I was 17 and the TL is super easy to control.
Have you had that same car since you were 17? If so that is awesome man. Don't ever sell it.
Old 01-24-2011 | 01:05 AM
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Originally Posted by ciscopath
This is all pretty funny to me because I don't have any idea what story you read but here's my interpretation of what I guess you feel I did that night.

Flying down the interstate at 85 MPH, I pass this group of snails doing the limit. COWARDS!!! All of a sudden, this Pontiac Grand Prix wants to be a bad ass and try to ride me. He didn't know who he was F-ing with. I run these streets. I gunned it 95 to see if he had a pair and he stayed with me. Oh, a wise guy, huh? I did a quick lane change, slammed on the brakes, jumped behind him, and started flashing my lights while yelling "GO" out the window. Coward crawled at 75. I think this cat sees my point now so I jump back around to 85. Here he comes again. Chevy Cobalt or not, this chump's not gonna punk me. Boom, 105 going strong. Yeah, that speed means an automatic arrest but F the police. F a holding cell. I gotta point to make. Weaving in and out of traffic, this fool is still on me!!!. Now I'm starting to go Bruce Banner over here. I see this exit up ahead so I jump from the far left lane over to the exit. Stuck my hand out the window and flipped the guy off while barely missing the RAMP SPEED 35 sign. I throw the car in park and without thinking, laid on the horn and gave the radio two good punches while cursing up a storm. I called my moms to tell her what happened. She told me don't worry about it, I'm still the best driver on the road. Mama always knows what to say. I get back on the interstate knowing I lost this battle but not to worry, AZners. The war is far from over.

Now that I see it this way..............Man, I suck.

I love how you define the "code of the highway" as something that us drivers defined.... I've got news for you, it's defined by the vehicle code of your respective state. When an officer pulls you over he isn't going to give a crap about what your idea of the rules of the road are. No guarantees that anyone else on the road will agree with your rules of the road either, and vice versa

You were breaking the law.... by posting this thread you expected some congruity, and not everyone agreed with you after all. Reminds me a lot of this guy, who tried to justify himself at each and every corner.


You were right, age is never a reliable indicator for maturity
Old 01-24-2011 | 01:14 AM
is300eater's Avatar
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was this thread moved here from the TL forums? Who are all these people? Please go back
Old 01-24-2011 | 01:45 AM
Will Y.'s Avatar
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Originally Posted by is300eater
was this thread moved here from the TL forums? Who are all these people? Please go back

Hey!! I'm happy right here and I'm not going back!

If you don't like us here, go to Ramblings!!
Old 01-24-2011 | 02:20 AM
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Originally Posted by Will Y.

Hey!! I'm happy right here and I'm not going back!

If you don't like us here, go to Ramblings!!
You're welcome to stay

The rest of the fail threads should go straight to Ramblings that way they get ripped to shreds.
Old 01-24-2011 | 03:36 AM
ghttf's Avatar
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this could only be 3G
Old 01-24-2011 | 06:28 AM
ciscopath's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Costco
I love how you define the "code of the highway" as something that us drivers defined.... I've got news for you, it's defined by the vehicle code of your respective state.
<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>

Originally Posted by ciscopath
I don't expect my "code" to mean much to you but it's not supposed to. That's what makes it MY code.

Why doesn't this feel like news to me??
Originally Posted by Costco
When an officer pulls you over he isn't going to give a crap about what your idea of the rules of the road are.

Notice how I said MY code, not THE code<o:p></o:p>
Originally Posted by Costco
You were breaking the law.... by posting this thread you expected some congruity, and not everyone agreed with you after all.

Congruence on an internet forum? That’s an oxymoron. No, see, what I was looking for were comments from members who have literally found themselves in this sort of situation. Not finger wavers. <o:p></o:p>
Originally Posted by Costco
Reminds me a lot of this guy, who tried to justify himself at each and every corner.

Uh, actually, this story doesn’t apply here. (A) Sideswipe was looking for a race…..which is why it’s in the Racing & Competition section. I wasn’t looking for a race which is probably why it ended up in the Automotive Discussion because whether you like it or not, I’m sure there are members of Acurazine who know exactly what I’m talking about and can share their stories. (B) You think by replying to this thread, I’m trying to justify anything? No, the thing is that most people are out on the weekends and don’t spend much time in front of their PCs. By posting, I keep the thread at the top of the page for Monday morning. I could be a jerk and just type “BUMP” but why not just reply to the comments themselves? Good job finding that thread, though
Originally Posted by Costco
You were right, age is never a reliable indicator for maturity <?xml:namespace prefix = v ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" /><v:shapetype id=_x0000_t75 stroked="f" filled="f" path="m@4@5l@4@11@9@11@9@5xe" o:preferrelative="t" o:spt="75" coordsize="21600,21600"><v:stroke joinstyle="miter"></v:stroke><v:formulas><v:f eqn="if lineDrawn pixelLineWidth 0"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum @0 1 0"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum 0 0 @1"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @2 1 2"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @3 21600 pixelWidth"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @3 21600 pixelHeight"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum @0 0 1"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @6 1 2"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @7 21600 pixelWidth"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum @8 21600 0"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @7 21600 pixelHeight"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum @10 21600 0"></v:f></v:formulas><v:path o:connecttype="rect" gradientshapeok="t" o:extrusionok="f"></v:path><o:lock aspectratio="t" v:ext="edit"></o:lock></v:shapetype><v:shape style="WIDTH: 22.5pt; HEIGHT: 11.25pt" id=_x0000_i1025 type="#_x0000_t75" alt=""><v:imagedata src="file:///C:\DOCUME~1\RXN062~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\msohtml1\01\cli p_image001.gif" o:href="https://acurazine.com/forums/images/smilies/2cents.gif"></v:imagedata></v:shape>

Yeah…………………that’s why I said it. <o:p></o:p>
Old 01-24-2011 | 07:02 AM
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Old 01-24-2011 | 07:34 AM
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Old 01-24-2011 | 08:54 AM
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Originally Posted by thechamp531
all i know, if something this small pisses you off to vent in a public forum,'you have a problem
Originally Posted by jesstzn
yeep... And to have to pull onto an off ramp to chill... Otherwise.... ?????
Old 01-24-2011 | 09:59 AM
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Originally Posted by ciscopath
<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
Why doesn't this feel like news to me??
Notice how I said MY code, not THE code<o:p></o:p>
Congruence on an internet forum? That’s an oxymoron. No, see, what I was looking for were comments from members who have literally found themselves in this sort of situation. Not finger wavers. <o:p></o:p>
Uh, actually, this story doesn’t apply here. (A) Sideswipe was looking for a race…..which is why it’s in the Racing & Competition section. I wasn’t looking for a race which is probably why it ended up in the Automotive Discussion because whether you like it or not, I’m sure there are members of Acurazine who know exactly what I’m talking about and can share their stories. (B) You think by replying to this thread, I’m trying to justify anything? No, the thing is that most people are out on the weekends and don’t spend much time in front of their PCs. By posting, I keep the thread at the top of the page for Monday morning. I could be a jerk and just type “BUMP” but why not just reply to the comments themselves? Good job finding that thread, though
Yeah…………………that’s why I said it. <o:p></o:p>
Well.... you were right about one thing...

Originally Posted by ciscopath
I know alot of this is falling on deaf ears.
You were right

I somehow missed that big wall of chain-post text... I'm sure almost everyone has found themselves in a situation where they've encountered an asshat on the road, the difference is that many of us aren't wearing a hat as well.
Old 01-24-2011 | 11:00 AM
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If they made one with the cheeks in all-LED, i'd rock it like there's no tomorrow.
Old 01-24-2011 | 11:04 AM
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From: Jax FL
Originally Posted by KN_TL
I am semi guilty of doing something like that. I am usually driving faster than the average but if someone comes up behind me going faster, I'll pull into the slow lane to let them pass and then bump my speed up to keep within an eyeshot.

If the traffic is such that it becomes unsafe, then I let them go.

I use the windshield washer thing all the time for tailgaters.

Washer fluid / Unexpected Brake check They'll get the picture.
Old 01-24-2011 | 11:29 AM
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If you think being last in a speeding pack gets you off the hook, you're wrong.
Old 01-24-2011 | 11:38 AM
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haha OP this pisses you off that you have to pull over?

You sound like the dumb one in this situation to me, you're speeding, he's following you. If he kept a safe distance from you, and didn't endanger YOU personally, then why are you mad. You decided to speed anyways, him being there or not.

Quick Reply: Speeders: If you won't lead, DON'T FOLLOW

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