Off topic but what do you do for a living?

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Old 06-05-2001, 01:19 PM
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Originally posted by Mr Hyde:
Please dont judge a book by its cover, and if someone was lucky enough to get this beautiful car as a gift or whatever, thats great for them, I hope they can appreciate it, and I wish I were as lucky.
????? I myself just turned 24 and bought the car with my own money (not I'm on a 5 year plan). Like I mentioned before..."I'm suprised at how many young buyers there are in the market." How is this judging a book by its cover? It was just a personal statement. It wasn't meant to degrade anyone, nor make fun of anyone who got their cars bought for them. I just wish I was as lucky too.

3 jobs? Well good for you Mr Hyde. I'm sure you could of gotten any car you want, but saw the value/dollar ratio that the TLS offers. Now when you say you're a surgeon, don't I equally have the right to say..."Wow...I'm suprised." It's not like surgeons come popping out of the ground in their early 20's...or do they? Cuz if thats the case...then being a surgeon is no biggie.

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Old 06-05-2001, 01:31 PM
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Originally posted by YankeeTLS:

Question: How many of you IT/programming guys actually enjoy your jobs? I've heard the field has changed (for the better) since I left it several years the new economy, the projects seem more challenging.

I love my job. As a systems analyst, I get to experiment with all sorts of software and hardware. Also, it is always something different everyday.

Those who know, don't talk.
Old 06-05-2001, 01:53 PM
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Old 06-05-2001, 02:34 PM
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Originally posted by edgalang:
????? I myself just turned 24 and bought the car with my own money (not I'm on a 5 year plan). Like I mentioned before..."I'm suprised at how many young buyers there are in the market." How is this judging a book by its cover? It was just a personal statement. It wasn't meant to degrade anyone, nor make fun of anyone who got their cars bought for them. I just wish I was as lucky too.

3 jobs? Well good for you Mr Hyde. I'm sure you could of gotten any car you want, but saw the value/dollar ratio that the TLS offers. Now when you say you're a surgeon, don't I equally have the right to say..."Wow...I'm suprised." It's not like surgeons come popping out of the ground in their early 20's...or do they? Cuz if thats the case...then being a surgeon is no biggie.

Ummmm first off as I said before, I'm a Physicians Assistant; I am either a first or second assist in the OR. There is a BIG difference between that and a full fledged Surgeon, which I dont pretend to be. I dont put myself at that level, and I and most people do consider being a surgeon a big deal regardless of how old the surgeon is. One of the attendings I work with is constantly mistaken for a resident because he looks young. He should he still is quite young, and more than one person has been embarassed assumming they were talking to a resident when in fact they were speaking to an attending. You've gotta love it.

Regardless, posting my jobs was meant more for DocCat the ER physician and trauma specialist than you who asked how so many "college kids" drive such a fancy car. My being 24, makes me part of that demographic as I am still a "Young" TL owner. Never knew the cutoff for young was under 25.

I never knew that someones age had anything to do with their abilities. There are a few people I know who are quite young making a good amount of money in the tech sector and also in the market. Just because they are young, I wouldnt say that their jobs/accomplishments are "no biggie". Say what you will, but I and others would find that statement and implications degrading. Implying that what we have done doesnt mean as much and is no biggie just because of age. Coming from someone in my own age group, I find it odd.

I am tired of sooo many people who dont know me but already make assumptions whether that be about my car or even at work. Hell while in school many of my classmates were much older than me, some were twice my age. I did better than many of them when in school, on my boards, and my clinical knowledge may be better as well, but when we got out some patients would look at them and assume they had been doing what they were for years when in fact they were as green as me.

An assumption cost the first salesman I went to his commission, and also two more referrals since then.

This post isnt the 1st time something like this has been posted, search the archives and see, but the same question always comes up. Every time when someone asks me how I afford this or that, I want to say I sell drugs, I usually say I got the money for whatever it may be the same way you did, by working for it.
Old 06-05-2001, 03:27 PM
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Ummmm first off as I said before, I'm a Physicians Assistant; I am either a first or second assist in the OR. There is a BIG difference between that and a full fledged Surgeon, which I dont pretend to be. I dont put myself at that level, and I and most people do consider being a surgeon a big deal regardless of how old the surgeon is.

I'm quite aware of the difference. I was just replying to your immediate response by stating.

"Hey I just turned 24. And I have 3 jobs
Fulltime Ortho surg
Part time Surgery in a Level 1 trauma Center
Part time in a Primary care office"

I didn't read your original post before.

Regardless, posting my jobs was meant more for DocCat the ER physician and trauma specialist than you who asked how so many "college kids" drive such a fancy car. My being 24, makes me part of that demographic.

Then why didn't you reply to his quote instead? I was confused because I have yet to post anything that asked anyone what they did for a living, nor what age group they belonged to. Like I said before...I was just mentioning how suprised I was on how many people that are within my age group that thought the same way when purchasing the TLS. In no way am I degrading anyones accomplishments here on the board....why would I?...or anyone else in that matter?

A "Young" TL owner. Never knew the cutoff for young was under 25.

Neither did I, but again I'm suprised that you think that way too. I like to think that I have a lighthearted personality, so even if I was 30 you would see me say that the cuttoff for young was under 31.

I never knew that someones age had anything to do with their abilities.

It doesn't. But I'll go with the general statistics here when someone generally would say that with age come with more experience. I know people are sick and tired of too many assumptions...but lets get realistic here. Would I assume wrong if I say that African Americans "generally" contain more malanin in their skin then say...caucasians? My point here was that I wasn't being sarcastic when I said "Good for you."

There are a few people I know who are quite young making a good amount of money in the tech sector and also in the market.

Me too. My co-worker who is setting right next to me. (Who is 23)

Just because they are young, I wouldnt say that their jobs/accomplishments are "no biggie".

Hmmm. I don't think my point came out clear there. I was trying to express my point by comparing/contrasting the overall job market, and how the difficulty of getting to that particular position has a direct correlation of how popular that job is. Correct me if I'm wrong if people are going to react more to a 24 year old surgeon than a 24 year old gas pumper.

Say what you will, but I and others would find that statement and implications degrading.

Different strokes for different folks I guess. I in the other hand, I have accepted that there would always be age discrimination. Believe me, I've more than seen my share in car dealers as well. I just find it odd that you got offended so easily. All I ever recall posting anything that is directed to you was when I was complimenting you on your job accomplishments. But I guess you were too busy being offended to realise that.

Implying that what we have done doesnt mean as much and is no biggie just because of age. Coming from someone in my own age group, I find it odd.


I am tired of sooo many people who dont know me but already make assumptions whether that be about my car or even at work.

Like I mentioned before. I can't recall making any assumptions here.

Hell many of my classmates were much older than me, some were twice my age. I did better than them when in school, and my clinical knowledge may be better but due to age a patient may assume incorrectly.

I agree. But hey...that's human nature for ya.

Its understandable I guess, but wrong none the less. An assumption cost the first salesman I went to his commission, and also two more referrals since then.


This post isnt the 1st time something like this has been posted, search the archives and see, but the same question always comes up. Every time when someone asks me how I afford this or that, I want to say I sell drugs, I usually say I got the money for whatever it may be the same way you did, by working for it. wasn't untill this year that I could really afford anything (fresh out of college). I'm getting the same responses as well. But all I usually say is that I work in the Silicon Valley...they usually understand after that. No offense but why do I feel like I'm defending myself? We're in the same age group...same class of car...and I assume (uh we go again) hold somewhat similar interests (because at least our TLS is in common). So my point is, what's with the hostility? Correct me if I'm wrong...please!

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Old 06-05-2001, 04:25 PM
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Old 06-05-2001, 08:14 PM
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Originally posted by thejavagod:
Those test results are all bogus. BEA Tuxedo results are from 1999 compared with Microsoft results from 2001. The hardware available in 1999 and 2001 are radically different. And Tuxedo is not even the one that needs to be tested. What kind of comparison is that? Where is BEA Weblogic Enterprise v6.0?

And how long were the tests performed, I'm sure that the Microsoft systems did not last past the 10 minute mark because after that the server went into a special mode called "Blue Screen of Death" :-)
Such inconsequential enterprise applications such as NASDAQ run on Microsoft technology with nary a hitch. FUD (fear uncertainty and doubt) is the Java mantra. Reality however is a bummer for the Java boys.

BTW Oracle and Sun attempt to usurp the scalability leaders IBM and Microsoft on a weekly basis. The reason they aren't there isn't because they don't try. They just don't scale as well, even with new hardware. Times they are a changin' my friend.

NT4 did BSOD occasionally. Windows 2000 Advanced server??? I've never seen it. I've seen LOTS of them.

Unlike Sun, Windows 2000 Advanced Server and DataCenter Server support clustering. Even if one machine goes down the other machines take over the load. Solar flares don't bring the entire enterprise down (little jab at Sun) and Microsoft doesn't make you sign an NDA before they'll fix the problem.(another jab at Sun). Pretending to be reliable and being reliable are different beasts.

By the way, I'm a software developer too, but C# is my weapon of choice. :-)


Old 06-05-2001, 08:54 PM
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I think someone needs to end this forum. It's getting way out of hand and people are getting too sensitive regarding age and what they do. Who really cares what anyone does and how old anyone is while they are doing it? Just my 02 cents.
Old 06-05-2001, 08:56 PM
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Well edgalang as I said before, all my comments were not directly aimed at you,so dont feel like you need to defend yourself, because you dont. I just didnt feel like quoting everyone. I just used your post since you had stated you were surprised at all the younger owners, and I used that as meaning from a financial standpoint.

In this thread, when its asked how some one so young can have this car I see it as basically asking "So did mommy and daddy buy you this car" because I think most people are fishing for that reply when they ask that question. I think its rude asking that question of anyone. (again im not talking about you but in general) I remember when my cousins moved into their house (we are Indians) and of the neighbors came over and asked how they could afford the house, I was just dumbstruck.

If I come of as hostile Im sorry, I did interpret your "Good for you" as being sarcastic; I still do every time I reread it, but I'll take your word for it, and apoloize for my incorrect assumptions. Doh!!

I know what you are saying how some assumptions are just based on Human nature, but it doesnt make it any more palateable to me really. Thats like me saying Im so defensive cuz Im a born and raised New Yorker.

Anywayz, Peace.

Old 06-05-2001, 09:14 PM
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Originally posted by Gabriele:
I think someone needs to end this forum. It's getting way out of hand and people are getting too sensitive regarding age and what they do. Who really cares what anyone does and how old anyone is while they are doing it? Just my 02 cents.

I thought women liked sensitive guys.
I'm Just kidding.....before I take a beating.
I know I am done with this thread. I dont see the point of it really, so if there is anymore OT replies or prodding or digging, I'll lock her up
Old 06-05-2001, 10:49 PM
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Boy did I pick a bad time to post

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Old 06-06-2001, 08:55 AM
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