As the "X" turns. The fugitive speaks. (Very Long)

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Old 08-15-2001 | 04:18 PM
Rock Dog's Avatar
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As the "X" turns. The fugitive speaks. (Very Long)

This a series of correspondence between Chris and myself within the past 18 hours or so. I received the first note from him last night, he also cc'd and bcc'd it to several people. One of the notes was addressed to someone else (I xxxx'd out his name), and myself. So I interjected there as well.

I am posting these verbatim (including grammar, typo's etc... by both parties. My responses and interjections are in boldtype. I made 3 changes,
the name of 3rd party responding to his first letter. A reference to his new email account. And "ACME", refers to a party involved in this fiasco who previously asked me not to publicize their involvement.

A number of times I jumped in the middle of his sentence to respond. So it can be a bit hard to follow in spots.


Given the course of everything that has taken place over the past few
months Im copying this statement to you as well. The info is attached below.
Basically I have issued credit to 4 of 6 members already. I do not intend to
"stiff anyone" and am limited to what I can do legally. I have sold over 300
units of inductions and have a majority of good reviews and results.
FOR THE LAST TIME, no one, including myself ever questioned the product.
The comments on the board have gone astray with false information and bashing. I
have not been on the board 4 times since late May.
Not according to the members of the board who have access to tracking and logging.
And have been unable to post messages explaining whats going on. But i am doing everything in my
power to refund the people that have not recieved their intakes as Paypal will confirm.
Paypal cannot confirm this.
The information of my address, work address, and such is
really inappropriate and I am taking whatever actions I need to regarding that.
Take whatever actions you feel you need to. It's called the Freedom of Speech. I know it's not in the amendment containing the Freedom of Fraud provisions, so
you are probably not aware of it.

How it seems to me that a group of people that I spent so much time
with became so belligerent is pretty easy to understand from their point of
view. however hosting my personal information is really a let down in light
of what I am doing to resolve it and have done in the past for many of you
at no charge. I have put countless hours, meets, rebates, freebies etc out
there .... I really would like to believe that you can understand that for 6
intakes ($1200) I would not make enough profit to cover legal expenses or
the amount of inventory I had backordered that I am now stuck with too.... I
hope you all look back on my participation on the board and see that for 6
intakes it is really ridiculous for me to try and run any "scam", especially
with the amount of personal time and work I had put into this project.
Speaking for myself....You forget that many, and I mean many, people on the board supported you and took issue with me. Many were very belligerent, and
angered at the fact that I was trying to recover the money that YOU had taken from me under the guise of selling me your product. You seem to forget that you not
only didn't ship as promised, you then sent me a tracking number which according to UPS never existed. Maybe if you would have answered an email or phone call
in the last 4 months you would have found more support. At no time was ANYONE aware of you "trying to resolve" anything.

If you have any questions please reach me via this address I can not get into
detail because of a suit i am in. But I was also a buyer of a large quantity
of material that did not arrive. Please do not post this email address on
the board as I would like to retain it and talk to a few of you individually
w/o spam attacks.. And use your best judgment in posting any of the
information in this email. As well as my personal/work/ etc information on
the board .. we all know that is not quite fair given the facts that very
few people involved know about.
Especially the threats from RockDog to my
place of work... those will be dealt with accordingly as well,
This "written" statement is defamatory. At no time did I threaten you at your place of work. AND YOU KNOW IT. I will deal with this LIE accordingly. And
guess who has the better track record for doing what he says he'll do over the past 4 months?

but his refund has been requested by me from paypal and I have sent copies of the
requests to paypal to him also so he would know I am doing my best.
As of the afternoon of August 15th neither Paypal or myself have received any correspondence from you. I spoke with 2 Paypal representatives yesterday. Both
support my statement here.

I will check with the board when i can semi regularly again. Below the statement
from the legal side of the conflicts ... One last thought - I operated under
a legally registered Limited Liability Company, which absolves me personally
from an legal actions civil/criminal(regardless of what RockDog says or
thinks, my lawyers have confirmed all of it already),
So can we assume, that you formed the company in this manner with the intent to defraud your customers? And at one point accept payment for products you had
no intention of providing? thus allowing you to walk away under the protection of the Legal Liability laws in Delaware. You seem to take great pride in mentioning at
every turn. Well..... According to my lawyer, LLC's are not the "cocoon" that owner/operators are led to believe. Especially when there seems to be intent on the part of those involved. You might like to know that I am fully prepared to challenge you, your lawyer, and Xephyrperformance LLC. You won't be the first to find out about loopholes. I am sure your lawyer will confirm that your solid, and have nothing to worry about. He has nothing to lose. Your pain is his financial gain. In my case I have time and money to lose. But I am willing to do just that.

But I am still doing everything I can to not have "screwed" anyone by issuing credits to the 6 people that did not get their products and 2 remain... Would anyone really
go through this for $1200. Additionally, ACME is being issued a credit within the next 2 weeks also. Best wishes. ---Chris

By the way I do appreciate the fact that you are now communicating. Of course it's only after you couldn't hide anymore, but just the same....

Xephyr Performance, LLC. is currently in the process of issuing refunds
to six (6) customers who had not received the goods that they had ordered.
Paypal has restricted the account in use directly as a result of Thomas
Grant. The claims that numerous customers had not received their
product/refund is grossly inaccurate as only 3 remaining customers are
awaiting payment. References on are incorrect and grossly
exaggerated. You are treading on thin ice here. I never exaggerated, grossly or otherwise, any information referenced on
This has been going on for 4 months, and the claims that numerous customers at one time or another was grossly inaccurate is a lie.

Thomas Grant has largely perpetuated the majority of the incorrect
information and has by his own actions restricted Xephyr Performance, LLC.
from issuing his credit due to paypal account restrictions.
Not one piece of information I ever "perpetuated" was incorrect.
Per his contact, correspondence has been sent to staff via electronic mail.
They have no record of such.

Copies to him on such correspondence requesting a credit of $215.00 immediately
were also issued. This information however has not been posted in recent
activity on, nor has the reasoning as what had transpired
requiring the close of the entity of Xephyr Performance, LLC.
I have received nothing from you regarding this. AND... As of yesterday afternoon Paypal. told me, by phone, that they have no such memo, correspondence,
letter or electronic transfer supporting your claim here. Furthermore Paypal shows no indication that you have tried to transfer money to my account recently, AT
ALL. If this statement was true, it would have been treated the same as any other information prior.

Xephyr Performance, LLC has contacted paypal in restoration of funds to
six (6) members who did not receive the goods for which they had paid.
Paypal has verified this information and issued credits to four (4) member
already. Mr.. Grant is awaiting a payment from Paypal as the chargebacks
have already been billed accordingly back to Xephyr Performance, LLC.
Claims of any quantity of members greater then the afore mentioned six
(6) are not correct, accurate, nor true.
On June 3rd, according to Paypal. YOU canceled a transaction that I assume was intended to refund my money. You have had my home address since May 8th.
Checks, cashiers checks, and money orders all would have been acceptable forms of payment in the past 4 months. Although, accepting a check from you would be
foolish at this point. As far as any "claimed" number, this has already been addressed.

Xephyr Performance, LLC. is a legal
entity based from the state of Delaware with a manifest and Charter date
effective on/about Feb. 1, 2001. As such the LLC incorporation title
effectively ensures several items:

A) Xephyr Performance, LLC. and assets are a legally separate and
individual entity not to be mistaken for those of Christopher Koncur nor
personally held assets by same.

B) As per the statutes and applicable charter of the State Of Delaware
the employees and management of Xephyr Performance, LLC. may not be held
legally liable nor responsible for any matters directly relating to Xephyr
Performance, LLC. neither in civil nor criminal litigation.

I have every intention in testing Legal Liability, and the loopholes therein with regards to Christopher Koncur and Xephyrperfomance LLC.
Not only in civil and criminal court. But in the my jurisdiction as well as yours.

C) Publication of information that is deemed personal in nature
regarding Christopher Koncur inclusive of Name, Address, Telephone,
Employment or other factual enumerations is deemed inappropriate and
hostile. This information poses a significant threat to safety and well
being of the afore mentioned individual. It would be assumed that any
pertinent references of such will be removed or masked to eliminate this

Freedom of speech.... Look it up.

letter 2


I accept full and total responsibility for the lack of communication on my part to the intended buyers. I have had more then my share of issues over the last months to contend with and have been unable to contact anyone. As this week has been the first occasion that I had been able to do such I have begun taking every action I can to resolve this matter quickly. I do not use this as an excuse nor a defense. Yes you do, repeatedly. You did in February or March, and again in April or early June. I'd have to check my records.

Individuals that have sent money and had not received an intake are 100% entitled to a complete and full refund, as I would expect no less if I were placed in
that situation. The issue I have is that the number of people who have sent money and did not receive their product is been exaggerated As far as statements
made by me regarding the number. Always the truth to my knowledge, ALWAYS!
as Paypal will confirm with actual quantities received versus UPS orders sent. To date there are only 2 member who do not have a payment in a "Pending" status originating from my account. I know of one who went from "pending to concelled" while I was talking to him. RockDog will be receiving a money order as his account was unable to recieve the refund as requested on two occasions. I am tired of saying this, PAYPAL shows no indication of you trying to make any transfer to my account. Evidently they are lying to one of us.
The matter of the materials that I had ordered that had not arrived is a secondary repricussion of the initial problem. I make no excuse for the events or the lack of follow-up on my part, however I do not intend by any means to issue credits to customers who did not send funds but are jumping on a bandwagon to try and collect There are legal issues here as well, and if you have had such paople trying to extort money from you, I would go after them.(Yes they do exist, and Yes I have factual evidence of who did pay and did not recieve). If you review the amount of time and money I had put into this effort Im sure you will see that I stood to gain little by trying to defraud a total of six individuals of 185 - 215 dollars. The matter is being resolved albeit slowly on my end, however it is being resolved. My reasons for no being available June 6 - August 1 are of a personal/legal nature and can nor will be discussed in a public forum. You were/are a business, no one cares about your personal problems. Cruel, but true. Due you think anyone gives a shit if Michael Dell get's cancer. Nope, they want their computer or a refund. Publication of personal information is not in good taste and is frowned upon by any reasonable source. Actions like the afforementioned are what this country is based on. Freedom of information, Freedom of speech and the right and ability to use any and all LEGAL means, to find any or all individuals, who have defrauded, swindled, extorted or stolen money or goods from ones self. My only re-iteration is that for < $1,200 this is far from a "Grand-Money-Making" scam as has been stated on the boards, and the amount of inventory I have been left with dwarfs that in comparison. It could have been avoided, and on May 7th of this year I was hoping you all the luck in the world. If I had been able to maintain contact I am sure things would have turned out differently. This is an old and tired excuse. Things are done and the past can not be changed, however the progression on my part toward the future is defined and effectively taking place already.

RockDog - You may feel free to pursue whatever venues or action you feel is appropriate and I will. The end result on my part will in fact be the same. 6 members did not recieve the product they had purchased all of which have/will/or are in thr process of being refunded. You taking civil/criminal action is your choice, my attornies have been advised of same. Given the costs involved, receiving your refund an apology would suffice for most people. Do you have any idea how much time, effort and money I have wasted on getting you to respond and refund my money? Unlike you and many others, there is more to me than money. And believe me, I am in no finacial position to just through away $215. Let's make one thing absolutley clear. You are now "making amends" because I FOUND YOU. Somehting you don't seem to get. I gave you a couple of months, for the reasons you stated. I decided to wait you out for 30-60 days and see what would happen. Maybe you were in an accident, maybe you got sick. But when I had gotten reports you were alive and well and going on with your life, while somewhat covering the tracks of your mistakes.It was time for me to take action. You're here now because you could no longer hide. Don't color it anything more than that. However, unfortunately others derive some pleasure out of dragging out a matter that has since been financially resolved. I have gotten NO, NO, NO resolution as of yet. You say it's in process, but guess what, this is about the the fifth time you have told me this.The company has closed, refunds have been issued or being actively done, and apologetic statements you need to go public with an apology. Besides, there are enough idiots on the board where I am sure you will be welcome back with somewhat open arms. I can almost hear them now. "Hey Chris, it's all cool, so where's the new
have been made. If you need the satisfaction of continuing in a vindictive manner that is your paragotive. The issues that have transpired that involve
you directly are only an extraordinarily small portion of the whole picture don't care about anyone else, and if you would stop long enough I've waited 4 months to relax and consider the possibilities that only one member of the board knows in any detail you might see my character, my actions up to this incident do not reflect my personality. They ABSOLUTLEY do. Would you like me to post a date by date accounting of what I have observed since the
beginning of this year. This was not your first incident of dissappearing. It's not the first time someone had to beg for a refudn. It's not the first time legal action
has been mentioned inthe same sentance with your name.
What happened can not be changed, restitutions are being made, if you would like to hear an formal apology it is here - I apologize - But veiled threats, vindictive slander, personal attacks and public slander are indicative of your own character as well. Once again I do not threaten, veiled or otherwise, I ACT! If you've learned anyhting by now, it should be that! Continue to accuse me of slander, defamation, or libel in anyway shape or form. Continue to lie about what I have said or done. I will make sure you learn the real definition of the afformentioned words, as well as make you aware of what it costs to get the education. As far as my "character" You are not even in the same hemisphere with me. So don't even think for a nanosecond that you could possibly judge me and my character. You lack the intelligence, morallity, common sense and logic required to understand someone
like me. My charcter is beyond your grasp. You could only hope to be someone like me. I'm not perfect, but I make you look like plankton on the food chain of character.

letter 3

I am not going to enter into any further debates with you over "he said.. she said". I am trying to remain civil in the matter and restore your funds as well as anyone else who recieved only a partial refund or none at all. The authentic logs of any activity will show that I have not been on
the board nor logged in. Regardless, your money order will be sent today with a signature requirement from FEDEX to confirm reciept. I will not enter a pissing match with anyone over this anymore, whats done is done and can not be changed now, retribution funding is taken place or underway. The
email I am referring to was sent from my XXXXXXX account the day we spoke about 30 mins after I got off the phone with you and was sent to the paypal support staff etc. requesting a credit in the amount of $215.00 be issued to you. I copied the original payment receipt from paypal, and restated your name and address. Take what ever actions you want I dont care anyomore, im
trying to do the right thing and you have nothing to say but more negative campaigning. The message you left at was saved. Rather then being content with an apology and a refund (granted that is overdue) you continue to chase this matter, if you derive personal pleasure and sadistic relief from exploiting someones misfortunes that is you, not me. I will receive confirmation from FedEx regarding your refund so from this point on I see little reason for us to continue communication unless you would like to discuss this in a post-mortem.


Your angering me by having the audacity to think you're taking the "high
road". I'll give you this. You've got nerve. You disappear for 4 months, ignore
me, AND YOUR FRIENDS, and then want to chastise me about what's right, and

I will once again now wait for what you "say" is going to happen.
We'll see.

[ 08-16-2001: Message edited by: Rock Dog ]
Old 08-15-2001 | 04:30 PM
Iridium130's Avatar
w.t.f., mate?
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wait, whos saying what?!?!?
Old 08-15-2001 | 04:40 PM
mdaniel's Avatar
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Originally posted by IridiumTypeS:
<STRONG>wait, whos saying what?!?!? </STRONG>
regular font = Chris
Bold = Rock Dog
Old 08-15-2001 | 04:43 PM
Iridium130's Avatar
w.t.f., mate?
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Originally posted by mdaniel:

regular font = Chris
Bold = Rock Dog</STRONG>
ohh ok.

And RockDog, I'd probably be one of those idiots saying "So how about those headers?" :p
Old 08-15-2001 | 05:11 PM
BigPimp's Avatar
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When did this conversation occur and was this done over email? I am missing that point.
Chris is trying to pull some serious BS here and I dont see how getting a refund 6 months later solves anything, and I think the only reason a refund is being sent is because he was found out. However, gotta agree with Chris if he is telling the truth, if this is get rich quick scheme, ripping people off to get 1200 is nothing. Does he only owe 1200?

The biggest issue is that Chris never came forward with this, had he done this, less people would be pissed at him and people would be more willing to wait. I am sure Rock Dog would not be as pissed as he is now.
Old 08-15-2001 | 05:11 PM
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Next time you coorespond with Chris, can you ask him about the CARB certification for us peeps out here in Cali? Just maybe he got his product certified as promised.


Old 08-15-2001 | 05:13 PM
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Originally posted by Ashburner:

Next time you coorespond with Chris, can you ask him about the CARB certification for us peeps out here in Cali? Just maybe he got his product certified as promised.


you joking right? Yeah right, there is no way in hell he got that done.
Old 08-15-2001 | 05:16 PM
batra's Avatar
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Quoting Xephyr:
the amount of inventory I had backordered that I am now stuck with too....</STRONG>
Why doesn't he just ship this inventory to those who ordered it then ?! He's full of shit.
Old 08-15-2001 | 05:18 PM
BigPimp's Avatar
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Originally posted by batra:

Why doesn't he just ship this inventory to those who ordered it then ?! He's full of shit.</STRONG>

I think he means Work In Progress inventory, i.e incomplete product. Something prolly happened with the people that finished his product for him.
Old 08-15-2001 | 05:37 PM
autoxCLS's Avatar
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Dude - Rock, I will offer my services as editor to you. If you're going to diss him, do it with proper grammar! Seriously, IM me if you have any questions!
Old 08-15-2001 | 05:41 PM
MikeS 18's Avatar
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this continues to be the soap opera of the day. Jesus, I'd send you $215 if you were doggin me like that - even if I was right and you were wrong!

This is a guy that needs to wake up and smell the coffee. He just doesn't get it.

Hey, everybody, next East Coast meet at Chris Koncur's place!!

-MikeS 18 (cool how we can change our screen name to really stupid things...)
Old 08-15-2001 | 05:55 PM
BigPimp's Avatar
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Originally posted by Guy with a really long account name:

this continues to be the soap opera of the day. Jesus, I'd send you $215 if you were doggin me like that - even if I was right and you were wrong!

This is a guy that needs to wake up and smell the coffee. He just doesn't get it.

Hey, everybody, next East Coast meet at Chris Koncur's place!!

-MikeS 18 (cool how we can change our screen name to really stupid things...)</STRONG>
I am sorry, the prize for the longest screen name has already been giving away, but we will have another in a week . Thank you for participating.
Old 08-15-2001 | 06:53 PM
Antero's Avatar
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Just to let everybody know...Im the other person who still hasnt gotten my money back. Its only Rockdog and myself he still owes money to.
Old 08-15-2001 | 07:18 PM
Iridium130's Avatar
w.t.f., mate?
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Originally posted by Antero:
<STRONG>Just to let everybody know...Im the other person who still hasnt gotten my money back. Its only Rockdog and myself he still owes money to. </STRONG>
I hope y'all get your $$$ back
Old 08-15-2001 | 08:09 PM
friendlydacat's Avatar
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Originally posted by BigPimp'sTypeS:
<STRONG>When did this conversation occur and was this done over email? I am missing that point.
Chris is trying to pull some serious BS here and I dont see how getting a refund 6 months later solves anything, and I think the only reason a refund is being sent is because he was found out. However, gotta agree with Chris if he is telling the truth, if this is get rich quick scheme, ripping people off to get 1200 is nothing. Does he only owe 1200?

The biggest issue is that Chris never came forward with this, had he done this, less people would be pissed at him and people would be more willing to wait. I am sure Rock Dog would not be as pissed as he is now.</STRONG>
How do we know he only owes $1200.00? He probably only made-up that story so that it doesn't seem like he is trying to scam people.
Old 08-15-2001 | 08:11 PM
SC TL's Avatar
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Hey, maybe the reason Xephyr did not respond for four months was that he was stuck in a Mexican prison for four months getting his salad tossed on a daily basis. If that were the case, I'd forgive him --- After he refunded my money.
Old 08-15-2001 | 08:12 PM
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Originally posted by SC TL:
<STRONG>Hey, maybe the reason Xephyr did not respond for four months was that he was stuck in a Mexican prison for four months getting his salad tossed on a daily basis. If that were the case, I'd forgive him --- After he refunded my money.</STRONG>
Actually, I believe he would have been the salad "tosser".
Old 08-15-2001 | 08:26 PM
gmilian's Avatar
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who else hasn't got their money or cai? has anyone besides rock come forward?
Old 08-15-2001 | 08:29 PM
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[ 08-16-2001: Message edited by: gil ]
Old 08-15-2001 | 08:40 PM
MikeS 18's Avatar
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From: Wicked Retahded North of Bahstin
Originally posted by Antero:
<STRONG>Just to let everybody know...Im the other person who still hasnt gotten my money back. Its only Rockdog and myself he still owes money to. </STRONG>

Did the other well respected member get his issues resolved? I thought he was out some as well.

-MikeS 18 (trying for this week's prize for most obnoxious screen name)
Old 08-15-2001 | 08:50 PM
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He owes me money also.
Old 08-15-2001 | 08:54 PM
Al Uminum's Avatar
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Originally posted by Ashburner:

Next time you coorespond with Chris, can you ask him about the CARB certification for us peeps out here in Cali? Just maybe he got his product certified as promised.


WøøT. Either your incredibly subtle with your humor or your incredibly naive about both Dogs emotions on this or Chris's honesty!
Old 08-15-2001 | 11:36 PM
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I’m really sorry to take any kind of pleasure in this whole thing, but this saga is WAY better then any of that “REALITY TV” crap.

Shawn S
Old 08-16-2001 | 12:16 AM
fender4's Avatar
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I liked the "ACME" reference. Hummmmm wonder who that is?? Maybe they can have another meet and invite Chris.
Old 08-16-2001 | 01:41 AM
Rock Dog's Avatar
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Originally posted by autoxCLS:
<STRONG>Dude - Rock, I will offer my services as editor to you. If you're going to diss him, do it with proper grammar! Seriously, IM me if you have any questions!</STRONG>
There is always "one" in the bunch. I could post the formula for turning water into gas. And someone would correct the grammar.

Well, it is a weak spot. Plus I was hurried, pasting, cutting, posting. There was a lot of stuff to move around.

Gee, If I could type faster, and had better grammar, maybe I could get a job making half as much as I do. Like a Teacher, or legal aide.

I will strive to be better.

[ 08-15-2001: Message edited by: Rock Dog ]
Old 08-16-2001 | 01:43 AM
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Originally posted by Guy with a really long account name:

Did the other well respected member get his issues resolved? I thought he was out some as well.

-MikeS 18 (trying for this week's prize for most obnoxious screen name)</STRONG>
To my knowledge, no!
Old 08-16-2001 | 02:32 AM
Jayru2's Avatar
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Here's what I think the little fucker is doing:

He started making CAI's for bwm, Right? I believe he started to list BMW CAI's on his site, or some other bolt on product. Well, never the less, I think what he is doing is going from forum to forum posting about his Custom Intakes for your BMw, Acura, GTp, WHATEVER, but going to each of these forum and building clients, then will make a few cai's ship em out, get a good number of people to pre-pay, then screw em BAD!. Then, once He has made $1200 on one forum, he moves to the next, sells a few more CAI's or whatevers, screws them, then moves on.

I BET this little fuckis an internet SCAM ARTIST. I'd seriouslly get some sort of IP Sniffer and monitor this little fucks connection from BOTH his personal PC at work, AND his home PC, and basically SPY on his ass.

I think this might be possible if you can find the right people.

Hey Chris, Your a punk, Always will be a punk, and I SWEAR, If I ever met you, I would knock you a hard swift one right in your face. Fucking prick.

Just by reading his responses to rock-dogs interjections, I could tell he is a simple lyeing FUck! Everything that rockdog said to this punk went in one ear and out the other. He did not retain a fucking thing rock said.

I hope you people BURN THE FUCK out of his ass.

Old 08-16-2001 | 03:00 AM
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From: Overland Park, Kansas
Originally posted by Shawn S:
<STRONG>I’m really sorry to take any kind of pleasure in this whole thing, but this saga is WAY better then any of that “REALITY TV” crap.

Shawn S</STRONG>
I agree completely. I was hanging with Fotis tonight and he mentioned that this thread was posting, so after reading it and understanding it the first time all the way thru, I'm finding it very interesting to say the least.
Old 08-16-2001 | 03:23 AM
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Originally posted by Rock Dog:
Gee, If I could type faster, and had better grammar, maybe I could get a job making half as much as I do. Like a Teacher, or legal aide.

I will strive to be better.

[ 08-15-2001: Message edited by: Rock Dog ]</STRONG>

Heyyyyyyy...... *shakes finger* That's not nice. I would like to state, for the record, that AS a legal aide, I make one-FOURTH what you do.

Just clearing the air here.
Old 08-16-2001 | 03:47 AM
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dilemma = i wanna know what is going on, BUT THERE IS NO FUCKING WAY I AM READING ALL THAT IN THE SUMMER!!!
Old 08-16-2001 | 03:47 PM
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From: New Jersey
Originally posted by Jayru2:
<STRONG>Here's what I think the little fucker is doing:

I BET this little fuckis an internet SCAM ARTIST. I'd seriouslly get some sort of IP Sniffer and monitor this little fucks connection from BOTH his personal PC at work, AND his home PC, and basically SPY on his ass. Peace</STRONG>
Anyone that has not been involved in this board from at least last year to see me coming out to people's houses, going to meets, doing installs and giving hours of phone support to people helping the with the CAI I sold AND AEM installations would know better. You don't know me and you have no idea of what your talking about other then what you read at the tail end of a very bad situation. You are not helping this matter by adding fuel to a fire that is almost out. I have run no scam and have not solicited any other groups, the members of the board that do in fact know this matter and me know that it was not an intentional matter and it was not part of any scam....
Old 08-16-2001 | 04:09 PM
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[ 08-16-2001: Message edited by: BigPimp'sTypeS ]
Old 08-16-2001 | 04:22 PM
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Edited....issue resolved ...maybe
Old 08-16-2001 | 04:45 PM
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Originally posted by BigPimp'sTypeS:

Chris, one question:

You have not given us a word of explanation and that is the biggest problem here. All you have said is that you had problems, whatever de fuck that means. I think you would have much success right now if you are honest with what happened, other than that, you are not really coming through.


Tom2 has taken the liberty of posting everything we have communicated thus far and it is within the messages. It involved a few matters, none of which people(majority) choose to accept or believe, most significant was a death. I am however glad I did not mention any more of the specifics to Tom though as it would appear here as well. Given the circumstances I think most people can appreciate that having their entire personal life brought out for analysis is not something they would endure. I have issued refunds to all but a few members and have closed 85% of the outstanding issue. Some members here do know the whole story but those are the few people I have trusted all along and they have maintained my confidence. Realistically, I can do no more then offer an apology and any applicable refunds. Both of which I have done.

As far as Tom "finding" me.... Didn't happen... he regardless of his own or anyone else's opinion had about %5 to do with the reason i replied when I had.

Let me pose a question that logically should make sense to reasonable people:

I started a company specifically for this car, while maintaining a full time job. I issued them at a cost that included an extraordinarily thin profit. I delivered to the best of my abilities in the timeliest manners I could. I gave out my home phone number, home address, work number(YES I GAVE IT OUT TO SEVERAL PEOPLE) etc... I gave people phone support literally at all hours of then night. I attended meets, went to peoples homes... Are these the things anyone running any scam would do?

I was in a bad situation that was compounded by poor judgement after the fact. Thats it... No fancy eloborate money making scheme..The total cost in parts per unit was ~$135, paypal charged another $9. I initailly charged $185. There was no money making scam, unless I made off with a few dollars not including time for my own labor. This was me starting a company to produce something I made for my own Type S and others wanted too.

I have already apologized to those that were effected and issued refunds when I was finally able to do so. There is no more I can do to rectify things.

And I dont need to be here explaining this .... But I am .. not because RockDog thinks as some members do its because he found me... HOW HARD IS THAT TO DO?? I GAVE OUT ALL OF MY INFO.... It is now because I can give it some consistent attention and resolve open issues. I was not on the board during the time of my absence... I work in the field of network security and if I chose to run a scam and lurk the board I would have masqueraded my IP via a linux box with a fully configurable IP stack and routed through a dozen sites redirecting to to be that of another members or just run through an anonymizer or a dynamic web proxy cache.... I was not here and anyone that says I was needs to verify where the source came from....

With whats going on with RockDog..... Thats is a closed topic from my perspective .. he ordered a product ... didnt recieve it.. and finally recieved an incredibly delayed refund.. shame on me? Yes .. ofcourse... but others did recieved refunds prior to him... He was far from the catalyst to start any chain of events .. although it gives him some feeling of accomplishment thinking he did... as far as his actions.. ethical..? warranted? legal? I dont know and it doesnt matter right now... I am about putting this behind me.. If he wants to keep dredging it out that is his choice.. Several statutes protect me from what he accuses me of as well.. defamation of character, slander, liable, stalking.. yes stalking .. am I having charges brought on him? no... why not? what is there possibly to gain... this matter would be thrown out. He got his refund (was attempted to deliver and he knew it would be coming fedex that requires signature) and I am almost done fixing the whole mess ... Im done with the apologies and the explanations.... Ive shared what I am able to and its everyones choice to believe it or not.... but look at it from a logical position ... Giving out all taht information about myself to all the members.... Something a Scam artist would do?
I dont think so. Anyway , good luck and best wishes to you as well.


[ 08-16-2001: Message edited by: 14SecondTypeS ]
Old 08-16-2001 | 04:59 PM
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Yeah Chris, I posted before I read other posts where you answered that question. The biggest issue is your disapprance and thats what fucked everyone over and I am sure you are aware how poor of a judgement that was your part.
As far as a death in the family, thats a separate issue and you knew you would not be able to run your business normally and it is at that time that you should've issued refunds. I am sure you could have found an hour of your busy schedule to send everyone refunds using paypal. I really cant seem to understand what you were thinking there.
I think we all appreaciate that time that you tried putting in to develop your company, such as attenting meets, install support, etc. However, you were very inconsistent in your business dealings and this is what was not unexceptable to everyone. I think your appology is about 5 months OVERDUE, and I and you, can both understand how fucked up it is that a refund took so much trouble to get. I think RockDog did the right thing by tracking you down, and there is a lot of skepticism on this board regarding anything you say because you are have not been consistent in your customer support. I think the only thing you really need to do was not disappear and your business would have been doing well, but alas, we live, we learn.
Old 08-16-2001 | 05:50 PM
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Originally posted by Shawn S:
<STRONG>I’m really sorry to take any kind of pleasure in this whole thing, but this saga is WAY better then any of that “REALITY TV” crap.

Shawn S</STRONG>
Wow, what a great day for the TL-S forum to be down. I finally get to witness the resolution of the great Xephyr wars (further litigation not withstanding).
Old 08-16-2001 | 06:06 PM
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Originally posted by R Man:

Wow, what a great day for the TL-S forum to be down. I finally get to witness the resolution of the great Xephyr wars (further litigation not withstanding). </STRONG>
Well, the TL forum had its days too, in particular the BeamHer528 thread. That was an ultimate classic.
Old 08-16-2001 | 06:14 PM
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Chris, with your left over parts is there any way to do the swap of silver for Red that never made it? If not that's OK, I'll go ahead and install the silver.
Old 08-17-2001 | 03:46 AM
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I have one more thing to say. Chris, anytime, anyplace, be it a judge or jury. Or even a lie detector test (as questionable as they are) I challenge you to a "truth off"

You bring your paperwork, I'll bring mine. Not to mention the phone logs of how many calls to NJ I made within the area code and prefix of your company. I will bring my notes on how I was able to track you down after you disconnected the cell phone, stopped accepting mail at 301 Browning Lane, took down the website, and either stopped or ignore the 3 or 4 xephyr@'s you had setup.

And I bring this up for one reason and one reason only. As of last Thrusday, no one had heard from you. Once I acquired it ( and I could not find it anywhere on this board, and 2 of the people, I assume you are claiming had it, say they did not) I called your work number twice and left messages (and not nasty ones) Stating you need to contact me, I want my money. After a couple of hours I started calling through a series of numbers near yours. When I got a human and asked for you, you answered the phone. Why? Because I was transferred from inside. You were stunned to hear it was me, there was a nervous pause. And then you started taking down information like it was nothing more than a Penney's refund. That was Thursday, after 4 months. Then when I contacted you again and left a message, regarding the court papers I was filling out in from Camden County Civil Court.. The flood of pity email starts to flow. Any scenario other than that is an out and out lie. And if you state otherwise again, I will make you prove it legally.

Come in here and whine, come in here, try to convince these people that you were on your way back before last Thursday. But that is a desperate little man trying to cover himself legally. You need paperwork right now, and your creating as much of it as you can.

Stop throwing the word “scam” around so much. I have stated from the beginning that you never intended to scam anyone. You just happen to find yourself I the middle of a fraud. IMHO, You used prepaid money to have cai's manufactured, and THEN what ever was left over you blew in the Hamptons, or what ever it is, shallow little twits like you do.

When you got your tit in the ringer, for the forth or fifth time. You turtled and disappeared. You aren't smart enough to scam someone like me. You messed up, and then shut off all the phones and the lights, and sat cowering in the corner of whatever condo or house one of your relatives paid for. You waited for it to blow over. When I came a callin’ last week, you went into band-aid mode.

Stop reiterating anything other than that. And my offer still stands. I challenge you to contest and prove anything I have said is not true. Other than that, you’ve apologize, “your making finacial amends” Now sit down and shut up.

But you will probably back out of this as well, stating that “I’m trying to put it behind me, but Rock Dog this, and Rock Dog that. It’s all Rock Dog’s fault. No matter what he says, I am a coveted member of this board, who disappeared with your money and no explanation for 4 months, I am telling you the truth. Rock Dog is not who he say his is, Rock Dog is really one of those bad IS300 people here to fuck with me. I helped you guys with a metal tube that came in pretty colors, and this is the thanks I get? Hmmmph!”

I have one more thing that bothers me. A few weeks after your disappearance, during your time of great turmoil and personal loss. You updated your website to offer the “NEW” PT Cruiser Cai? Wazzup!!!!!!!
Old 08-17-2001 | 04:03 AM
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Yay..rock dog you got your check

Let's move on..
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