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CCColtsicehockey 11-05-2010 11:48 AM

Well guess I will stop at best buy on the way home and see if they have anymore pre-order copies left. Gonna buy two copies then. I want the extra multiplayer levels even if I have to not have them on the first day.

cmschmie 11-05-2010 11:50 AM

I want to be pumped for this game, but it's gonna be hard. We recently switched to DSL and well, it sucks compared to Road Runner. I may try CoD MW2 multiplayer just to see how it goes before deciding completely.

I do wish I would not have bought Halo Reach and just waited for this one.

SHYUperman 11-05-2010 12:32 PM

Originally Posted by cmschmie (Post 12469064)
I want to be pumped for this game, but it's gonna be hard. We recently switched to DSL and well, it sucks compared to Road Runner. I may try CoD MW2 multiplayer just to see how it goes before deciding completely.

I do wish I would not have bought Halo Reach and just waited for this one.

Feeling the same way about Halo. I got it because I thought it was going to be a good place holder until Black Ops. I was a huge Halo guy, but, when I started playing MW2 I knew I wasn't going to be able to go back to Halo.

Reach was fun, but didn't give me the urge to play like MW2. Additionally, I wasn't really impressed (sadly). Played a couple games of MW2 last night just to get back into CoD.

I hope Black Ops is good, I'm really excited about the new game modes. Either way, whatever game I end up liking is the one I don't end up selling.

is300eater 11-05-2010 03:37 PM

check out this commercial for Black Ops (keep an eye out for "special cameos" ;) )

is300eater 11-05-2010 03:48 PM

...and btw... that IS my favorite Stones' song

Moog-Type-S 11-05-2010 05:27 PM

Suite commercial :chuckle:

Costco 11-05-2010 05:40 PM

Good commercial :toocool:

lol @ the message on Jimmy Kimmel's RPG

TL CHROMETIDE 11-06-2010 10:53 PM

I don't think you can get banned for playing a legit copy of the game. As far as I know, developers can determine between a hacked version of the game on a modified xbox and a legit copy. See you all online on the 9th. PSN: daledoh

Edit: Kobe with a noob tube :snicker:

Mizouse 11-07-2010 01:30 PM

should i get this game?

MyTL09 11-07-2010 01:40 PM

Mine has been shipped from walmart!

Mizouse 11-07-2010 01:46 PM

srika are you getting this for ps3 or 360?

:wish: for ps3...

BlueAc 11-07-2010 10:39 PM

I cant wait for this game. I reserved mine with Amazon, got it for 49.99 w/ a $20 promo credit and free release day shipping!!!

Rockstar21 11-07-2010 10:47 PM

Originally Posted by Mizouse (Post 12473221)
srika are you getting this for ps3 or 360?

:wish: for ps3...

For the best online experience... We all know that choice is easy. :tongue:

On a serious note though... Why are none of the commercials promoting ps3.. If I didn't know any better i would think it's xbox exclusive.

Mizouse 11-07-2010 10:50 PM


but i sold my waste of a space xbox 360.

if he doesnt get it for 360, ohh well. just had alot of fun times pwning on him in MW2.

srika 11-07-2010 10:51 PM

PS3! I said I thought the Xbox controller was way better than PS3, I was wrong. I don't like the way the buttons are laid out - also, online experience on Halo Reach SUCKS - it takes so damn long for the damn thing to do the matchmaking and actually START PLAYING a game. (I'm paying for this garbage???) stupid ass shit. PS3 FTW!!!!!!!!!

Mizouse 11-07-2010 11:00 PM

sweet, im probably going to pick it up eventually. see you there :)

Rockstar21 11-08-2010 12:23 AM

Originally Posted by srika (Post 12474214)
PS3! I said I thought the Xbox controller was way better than PS3, I was wrong. I don't like the way the buttons are laid out - also, online experience on Halo Reach SUCKS - it takes so damn long for the damn thing to do the matchmaking and actually START PLAYING a game. (I'm paying for this garbage???) stupid ass shit. PS3 FTW!!!!!!!!!

Ahhh blind hatred... I love the video game wars :biggrin:

Ah well.. The rest of us know there's a good reason we shell out for xbl..

srika 11-08-2010 12:27 AM

how is it blind? i played the damn game (I own it). if I thought the online experience was better than how it is to setup games on PS3, I guarantee I would have told you. what's your good reason for shelling out for xbl?

Mizouse 11-08-2010 12:28 AM

its not blind at all.

its all preferences. some people like one thing, other people like another.

imo after having both, no one is really "better" than the other.

Rockstar21 11-08-2010 12:42 AM

Because you not liking halo has absolutely nothing to do with the xbox live service...

It's pretty clear which service offers more features "even if you pay for one"

Again.. Your comparing a games loading times and matchmaking to nothing.. You would have an equally unpleasant experience if halo were on ps3.. :2cents:

Rockstar21 11-08-2010 01:26 AM

And to answer your question Srika...

1. The party system
I can voice chat with any friend/s no matter what game he/she is playing, at any time. (not limited to texting and interrupting play)
I can even watch netflix movies WITH my friends at the same time.. Having the ability to pause rewind etc. As if they were at my house..

2. The "first"
If you watch closely enough, XBL gets alot of "first" anywhere from netflix, to achievement system all the way to getting game content like map packs before other consoles.

3. Exclusive content.
You'll find some DLC content for large title games will not only be first to come out on XBL.. But it will be exclusive to it's "overpaying" fans.

Of course there are many more features that make XBL unique and give it's users a great experience.. These are just a few of my favorites...

The new espn application is nice but I'm sure PSN will offer it "sooner or later" for free :thumbsup:

As far as playing the actual games online.. I don't think there is much of a difference at all... My review is about the additional services.. Not which platforms waiting lobby beats the other by .5 seconds... :2cents:

But playing and interacting with friends can be A much smoother process by utilizing the above features.

is300eater 11-08-2010 01:28 AM

I think the waiting time (for matching) may vary depending on your cable service, not so much Xbox Live... because I notice I don't ever have to wait long here in Vancouver (BC), but when I was living in SoCal... the wait was longer... I mean... it wasn't bad, but definitely longer down there vs here. :dunno:

srika 11-08-2010 01:40 AM

the question was, whether I am getting this for Xbox or PS3. you said the answer is easy, based on best online experience. my post was only in regard to this game - it had nothing to do with ESPN, Netflix, or any other XBL services. and I answered it based on my online experience with Halo, a game which, overall, I would rate as "dismal". I also said I preferred the PS3 controller.

Rockstar21 11-08-2010 06:41 AM

Originally Posted by srika (Post 12474415)
the question was, whether I am getting this for Xbox or PS3. you said the answer is easy, based on best online experience. my post was only in regard to this game - it had nothing to do with ESPN, Netflix, or any other XBL services. and I answered it based on my online experience with Halo, a game which, overall, I would rate as "dismal". I also said I preferred the PS3 controller.

so, you based your decision on whether or not to get black ops for ps3 or xbox based on halo...

and the liking of the ps3 controller, because halo sucks..

got it. :tomato:

i dont care which you buy for honestly, i was just wondering why your bad experience of a game carried over into xbox's online experience being "garbage"

justnspace 11-08-2010 06:55 AM


rockstar, people just prefer different things. that is all.

Rockstar21 11-08-2010 07:09 AM

Originally Posted by justnspace (Post 12474529)

rockstar, people just prefer different things. that is all.

not once have i said a bad thing about PSN.:whyme: all of my post are aimed at what enhances XBL.. not calling playstation "garbage and shitty"

in fact, the only bashing i see of one side is the above..

PSN is a great deal for being free, and i'll openly admit that we indeed have to pay for the extra we get.. but anyone who thinks PSN has more to offer online is clearly the fanboy... not the latter

srika 11-08-2010 08:07 AM

Originally Posted by Rockstar21 (Post 12474517)
so, you based your decision on whether or not to get black ops for ps3 or xbox based on halo...

and the liking of the ps3 controller, because halo sucks..

got it. :tomato:

i dont care which you buy for honestly, i was just wondering why your bad experience of a game carried over into xbox's online experience being "garbage"

I said what I said based on the discussion flow in here. You insinuated that because of Xbox's superior online experience, the question whether to get Black Ops for PS3 or Xbox should be a no-brainer. I mentioned how I was very disappointed with my Xbox online experience, so far.

ps. I do also like PS3 better, that's kind of a known fact. BUT - if I was blown away by the Xbox experience, I would have let you know. really.

justnspace 11-08-2010 08:18 AM

Originally Posted by Rockstar21 (Post 12474542)
not once have i said a bad thing about PSN.:whyme: all of my post are aimed at what enhances XBL.. not calling playstation "garbage and shitty"

in fact, the only bashing i see of one side is the above..

PSN is a great deal for being free, and i'll openly admit that we indeed have to pay for the extra we get.. but anyone who thinks PSN has more to offer online is clearly the fanboy... not the latter

you dont have to bash the other side in order to be a fanboy...your love of xbox radiates throughout your two or three post about xbl.....
No one is arguing with you on which is better. your preference is leaning towards xbox.
and srikas towards ps3. the end.

Rockstar21 11-08-2010 08:30 AM

Originally Posted by justnspace (Post 12474617)
your preference is leaning towards xbox.
and srikas towards ps3. the end.

yet when i do so, its fanboyism:rolleyes:

the phrase, "the one who smelt it, dealt it." comes to mind.

justnspace 11-08-2010 08:32 AM

Srika did it in a way, where his preference and needs came into play. for example, he felt that the xbox contoller is too cumbersome.

you're citing features and imposing those features upon people who dont need it. the end.

I will never need cable tv. i will never need internet on my phone. i will never need cross game chat. i will never need exclusive content(it all ends up on ps3), I will not need to be a netflix first....
see what I'm getting at?

Rockstar21 11-08-2010 08:36 AM

Originally Posted by justnspace (Post 12474632)

you're citing features and imposing those features upon people who dont need it. the end.

reading > you

srika ASKED me why i felt confident in paying for XBL.

what's your good reason for shelling out for xbl?
and i obliged...

seems like youre just trying to get a hand in on the discussion and taking sides without knowing the intent of mine...
GG though.

srika 11-08-2010 08:39 AM

I'm a PS3 fanboy, I admit it. But I will give anything a good review, and give an honest opinion about it, regardless of whether I am a fanboy or not. Hell, I BOUGHT an Xbox 360 (something I never ever saw myself doing, in the past). That should tell you enough that I can at least have somewhat of an open mind to things that I even don't like - and that I am willing to change and rethink my opinions as needed.

justnspace 11-08-2010 08:42 AM

i will now head to the corner and put my dunce cap on and not get on azine for the rest of the day and focus on work. i fail.

but you still are a xbot fanboi. /thread.

FastAcura 11-08-2010 08:49 AM

I bought my PS3 about 6-7 months ago. I've played it maybe a handfull of times. I was in the market for a blue-ray player and figured I might as well get the PS3 for $100 more.

Live is clearly better, even though PS3 is free. I don't see what the big issue is. I also like the Xbox controller a lot more, but it all comes down to personal preference. 9 out of 10 times I would get a game for the Xbox if they came out on both platforms. The only reason I chose to shell out the extra $100 for the PS3 is because of the exclusives such as God of War 3, GT5 and Killzone 2.

Myxomatosis 11-08-2010 08:52 AM

this went slightly off topic.

srika 11-08-2010 08:52 AM

as a platform I agree Xbox Live is more robust and has more features. I bought Halo, and in order to play it online, I had to buy Xbox Live. That's the relation there. I never said XBL sucks. I said the Halo online experience sucks, compared to my online experience with MW2 on PS3. Yes they are different games and different systems but the common denominator I was using was, the time it takes to get a game matched and actually start playing.

srika 11-08-2010 08:53 AM

Originally Posted by Myxomatosis (Post 12474670)
this went slightly off topic.

my bad, lets continue talking about this game that is ACTUALLY COMING OUT tomorrow!!! WOW!!!!

Rockstar21 11-08-2010 08:55 AM

Originally Posted by srika (Post 12474643)
I'm a PS3 fanboy, I admit it. But I will give anything a good review, and give an honest opinion about it, regardless of whether I am a fanboy or not. Hell, I BOUGHT an Xbox 360 (something I never ever saw myself doing, in the past). That should tell you enough that I can at least have somewhat of an open mind to things that I even don't like - and that I am willing to change and rethink my opinions as needed.

fair enough, but in that sense, you really shouldnt call yourself a full blown fanboy... the ability to try things is already worlds ahead of most console owners...

i've already had 2 pre-owned PS3's and played some of its exclusive titles (which i enjoyed btw) i just couldnt get away from Live.. and ended up trading it in for credit both times.

my original spat was aimed at the single post where it seems you were just having a little fun with ps3 pride... i was only putting my 2 cents in where my experiences didnt quite agree.. no harm done.

Originally Posted by justnspace (Post 12474648)
i will now head to the corner and put my dunce cap on and not get on azine for the rest of the day and focus on work. i fail.

but you still are a xbot fanboi. /thread.


we arent closing the black ops thread b/c you called me a fanboy... have fun in the corner

shall we get back to the goodness that awaits us that is Black ops?

justnspace 11-08-2010 09:00 AM

lol i dont have a need to get this game....waiting for gt5.

CCColtsicehockey 11-08-2010 09:36 AM

So can't wait to pick up my copy tonight at midnight. 24 hours straight of COD :woot:

Then if anyone wants a copy I will have my basic copy for sale tomorrow once the Prestige copy arrives. Yes I had to buy that stupid setup cause the Hardened edition sold out and I want the extra maps and perks you get from the Hardened copy.

So basic copy for sale late Tuesday or early Wednesday. Will only have been used for 24 hours or less.

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