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do you leave your car running while pumping gas?

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Old 09-15-2010, 10:21 AM
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Originally Posted by I hate cars
I was not warned, the other guy was warned for name calling. Don't even go there with the females. You know how I meant it but you're looking to exert your "power". It had nothing to do with females knowing or not knowing about cars. Good job twisting my words around though.

As for the high or drunk, I was giving him the benefit of the doubt. I can't imagine someone being sober and arguing that badly. Nice to see the little clicks sticking together.
You and another member were warned because the discussion was becoming heated and moving in the direction of personal attack. I know exactly what you meant about the females. You often choose to belittle those who don't accept your points or arguments. No one twisted your words either. They were put forth by you in exactly the manner you intended them to be. And if it continues, then I will "exert" my power.

I don't know what you consider to be "little clicks", but it in this instance it seems to be those you disagree with you. In this forum everyone is entitled to an opinion, and as such others are free to challenge it in a respectful manner. Everyone in this thread has made valid points. You, me, and everyone else, with no one either completely right or wrong. And everyone is still free to contribute what they want, but not at the expense of belittling another.


Last edited by teranfon; 09-15-2010 at 10:34 AM.
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Old 09-15-2010, 10:25 AM
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Originally Posted by Dan1629
I don't leave it running when I get gas. I think the law is a good one and should be followed. I am not worried about my TL having a problem with catching on fire. I worry about the guy next to me with the old 80's car that is popping and banging next to me. I am worried about someone getting out of their beat up car and it jumping into reverse and running the pumps/people over. If the car is shut off there is no chance of that person getting out of the car while it is still in drive.

Good point Dan. I've seen a number of people of years jump out of a running car, only to realize it was in gear and eventually doing damage to another vehicle.

BTW: Nothing official yet in regards to the matter we've been discussing via PM.

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Old 09-15-2010, 02:18 PM
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Originally Posted by phile
You've asked for this twice already. I guess you just skimmed over post #22 huh
Here's where the dude started the negativity. Notice the reference to the post on static electricity.

Originally Posted by I hate cars
Static electricity is static electricity. It makes no difference if the car is on or running. None whatsoever.

Again, I've been doing this since Dec '05 in my TL and this car has never once had a CEL come on.

People keep saying it's crazy to keep it running but no one can back up why it's dangerous. I can see why they put the law in place, it makes sense. You don't want the average crack head to leave the car runing with the gas pumping and walk away for several minutes without the brake set. But there is absolutely nothing wrong with leaving the car running while you pump the gas standing there while the AC is keeping the interior cool and the e-brake set.

Please explain how it's going to magically explode because the engine is running.
My reply. Notice there's no attitude or name calling.
Originally Posted by phile
#35 is just you going on about how you don't care to proof read - just because someone posted something you missed doesn't mean you can ignore it.

And again, post #22 explained it.
Dude goes on being a smart ass even though post #35 had nothing to do with proof reading. And again, he refers to the same post 22 which refers to static electricity.
Originally Posted by I hate cars
This is post #35. It says nothing about proof reading. It says that I have been filling up with the engine running since the car was purchased new and not once have I ever gotten a cel. This was addressing post #22 below.

Post #22 above talks about static electricity which has nothing to do with the car running or not running and it talks about a CEL which I explained in post #35.

Are you drunk? I did not miss it and I did explain it. If you're going to try and twist words or flat out lie, a message board is not the place to do it.

This is nothing against 01tl4tl, just trying to clarify a very simple matter.
Finally I start to become annoyed after several smart ass replies.

Originally Posted by phile
The simple fact is, you're (for whatever reason) so against turning off the car during fill ups. you want to know the reasons against it, it's been explained to you, and you go off on another tangent to try to refute it.

So you don't get the CEL...big whoop. that's anecdotal evidence, meanwhile facts are being explained to you and you are disregarding it.

Re-read #22 again - that is why you should not leave your car running. There's your answer.
Dude once again refers to the static electricity post being the reason to not leave the car running.

Originally Posted by I hate cars
That's a terrible argument. Ok, I'll start turning my car off so I don't get this imaginary CEL that has never happened in 5 years. You keep saying "refer to post 22". I've stated why it's meaningless yet you just keep saying the same thing. Use your own words here and explain it yourself. The "facts" are I've been doing it for 5 years, no CEL.
No name calling, still pretty civil. Trying to get dude to understand that the engine does not create static so his argument in not valid. No belittling.

Originally Posted by phile
in what parallel universe are you living where your line of reasoning actually makes sense?

this is pretty much the extent of what you've been asking:

-You: tell me what's so bad about leaving the car on
-post #22 tells you
-You: well I've been doing it for 5 yrs and nothing like that's happened to me, so tell me why I shouldn't do this.
-again post #22 tells you
-You: well it still doesn't apply to me, so tell me why I shouldn't leave the car running.

Lots of attitude here. Meanwhile no substance just "refer to post 22" once again.
Originally Posted by phile
since you obviously have problems reading, here I quoted post #22 for you:
Talking about me having reading problems.
Originally Posted by I hate cars
That's what you've been running your mouth about? I've addressed it several times, you just don't read.

That's static fucking electricity. It makes no difference if the car is running or it is off. It's also talking about cell phone use. The only part of his post that had to do with the engine running was the CEL coming on.
Getting annoyed because he can't comprehend the simplest things.

Originally Posted by phile
You're incredible

Everything that was mentioned has everything to do with the engine running.
His own words that static electricity has to do with the engine running.

Originally Posted by I hate cars

Static electricity has absolutely nothing to do with the engine running or not running.

There is no problem with the CEL coming on when fueling but I guess you would know better than I even though you supposedly have never fueled with it running.
Pretty polite of me considering what was written above.

Originally Posted by phile
It's when you get back into the driver's seat that brings back the static electricity potential.

I watched that episode of Myth Buster that was mentioned about this.

Obviously it's extremely rare - you need all the right ingredients to make it happen - but it does.
I can agree with this but it has nothing to do with the engine running which is what we have been arguing about.
Originally Posted by phile
Don't let one poster agreeing with you fool you into thinking you're actually right.

what was said in post #22, once again, has everything to do with the car being on. Again, let me explain that you are using anecdotal evidence. You can probably leave your car running while fueling up at the gas station - for the rest of your life, and not cause an explosion. It doesn't throw out the science behind the risk that's posted at the gas station pumps.
Post 22 again. Still saying static is caused by the engine running.

Originally Posted by I hate cars
So now we're talking your half assed science and not reality? I'm not surprised.

All you do is repeat "post #22, post #22". What the fuck does the car being on have to do with static electricity? Your only answer to this is "post #22". You have not posted any science backing this up. You have posted no substance. No one has one single incident of the car catching fire because the engine is running.

Show me how a running engine will produce static the rear of the car lol.

The ONLY thing that link you posted could possibly have to do with leaving the engine running is people who get back into the car while it's fueling and then back out are more likely to produce a static charge.

The dumbass went on the write that exhaust components can glow. Sure they can... under heavy load and high rpms. and we're talking about no more than a foot or so off the heads. The exhaust is barely warm by the time it gets to the rear and the hottest part of the exhaust stream, the precats run about 350F on the outside at idle. Hardly glowing. If exhaust components are an issue, God help anyone who does a hard stop coming into a gas station. Be careful, the brakes may cause a fuel fire too.

I can take it a step farther... If any vapors escape while fueling you're better off not hitting the starter when you go to leave.

Come to think of it I've only been zapped when getting into the car with the engine off or getting out with the engine off. Maybe the engine running reduces static. That's about how retarded your argument is.
I ask for some back up as to how an engine can generate static and I get the straw man argument below.
Originally Posted by phile
the next time you go to fuel up, why don't you strike up a conversation with the owner and ask why all those silly warning signs are all over the place. I'm sure they're as retarded as you think they are.

it's obvious you keep wanting to argue against it.

Whose argument is that a running engine produces static electricity? Was that ever written or even implied? Quote where I said that, or that the scientic evidence was saying that, or that even post #22 was saying. You are the one who seems to think that's the argument and you keep arguing against that.

You even just admitted above about getting back into the car and causing a static electricity that that is a possibility - which is EXACTLY what post #22 was talking about. So I ask again - who was saying that the car itself is stirring up static electricity, which you seem to think is the argument here and you keep fiercely contesting? I'll settle it for you - it's not. We're talking about everything else that's occurring that's posing the potential risk while leaving the car running.
I'm speechless. All of a sudden the engine does not cause static even though he insisted it did in every previous post.
Originally Posted by I hate cars
Because you said the engine running causes the car to blow up! Did you forget what you said? What exactly are we arguing now, I think you've switched gears several times and not even realized it.

So what is it, does the engine running cause fires?

Or did you change your argument to getting in and out of the car causes fires?

What will it be the next time? Forgetting to set the e-brake causes fires but gettting in and out multiple times is no ok?

With this gross lack of logic I have to assume you're either high, drunk, or female or all three.

I'll tell you what. When I get bored enough at work tomorrow I'll quote everything you've said and all the times you've contradicted yourself.
I stand by my post. He did a complete 180 and I honestly don't think he knows it. Saying what I said was giving him the benefit of the doubt that maybe some external factors were inhibiting him from logical reasoning.
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Old 09-15-2010, 02:22 PM
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Originally Posted by teranfon
You and another member were warned because the discussion was becoming heated and moving in the direction of personal attack. I know exactly what you meant about the females. You often choose to belittle those who don't accept your points or arguments. No one twisted your words either. They were put forth by you in exactly the manner you intended them to be. And if it continues, then I will "exert" my power.

I don't know what you consider to be "little clicks", but it in this instance it seems to be those you disagree with you. In this forum everyone is entitled to an opinion, and as such others are free to challenge it in a respectful manner. Everyone in this thread has made valid points. You, me, and everyone else, with no one either completely right or wrong. And everyone is still free to contribute what they want, but not at the expense of belittling another.

Obviously you didn't know what I meant about the females or you would not have gone there. I was talking about normal female logic, not whether or not there are females that can work on cars.

The other guy started with the smart ass comments but I'm not surprised I was the one to get called on it.

I don't care who challenges me. I was asking for it and if I get proved wrong in the process, no big deal. That's how we learn. But I'm not going to have the same guy posting the same thing that's dead wrong over and over and acting like I'm the one that does not know anything. I'll accept some of the other points but static electricity due to engine running is not a valid point.
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Old 09-15-2010, 02:38 PM
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Originally Posted by I hate cars
Obviously you didn't know what I meant about the females or you would not have gone there. I was talking about normal female logic, not whether or not there are females that can work on cars.

The other guy started with the smart ass comments but I'm not surprised I was the one to get called on it.

I don't care who challenges me. I was asking for it and if I get proved wrong in the process, no big deal. That's how we learn. But I'm not going to have the same guy posting the same thing that's dead wrong over and over and acting like I'm the one that does not know anything. I'll accept some of the other points but static electricity due to engine running is not a valid point.
You really can't let it go, can you? I'm not going to bother to post all of your responses, as it won't make a difference. You've obviously chosen to post your previous comments a la carte. You were just as guilty as the other member. And don't try to back peddle with your comments. Normal "female logic"?

I've made my point, and if you disagree with it then that's your privilege.
All what was requested was a level of civility, but you seem to be very insecure when anyone has anything else to offer.

Since this thread has now evolved to something completely off track, it will now be closed.


Last edited by teranfon; 09-15-2010 at 02:43 PM.
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Quick Reply: do you leave your car running while pumping gas?

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