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#26TYPE-R 03-11-2005 12:01 PM

So what is up with no R's on here...?

Hey, ATXCLS .. aka (G-dog)

ATXCLS tells me about this meet in Houston and it sounds like my woman and I will be going. Sounds like fun. I have never been to one of these. We are going to bring out the Type-R.....

G 03-11-2005 12:35 PM

Que pasa Bush-master??

G 03-11-2005 12:37 PM

Originally Posted by #26TYPE-R
So what is up with no R's on here...?

Hey, ATXCLS .. aka (G-dog)

ATXCLS tells me about this meet in Houston and it sounds like my woman and I will be going. Sounds like fun. I have never been to one of these. We are going to bring out the Type-R.....

Blagh, silly R's. :tongue:

G 03-11-2005 12:39 PM

For Rick, ON pg. 20
Originally Posted by DarkSithCL
1. htown (somethin like an organized pimp)
2. GunMetaL CLSPiG
3. AcuraTL2000
4. cltypeSLOW
5. bent09 (Gangbang Video Inc.)
6. Black CL-S 4-Life (slore)
7. DarkSithCL(Dr. Love)
8. Mai_CL-S ( Trickster, because he tricked Waddy)
9. ATXCLS...(Sex in the fast lane)
10. TypeSblkura
11. Blades (Prison bitch)
12. Chopper (Drunken sex offender) shit....
13. StrawberryClock(Prison Warden)
14. Waddy (sex guru)...
15. leolebo28
16. gdubb
17. Hou-RL
18. JGsTL-S
19. kevin79225 (and 2 buddies)
20. MethodRN (Intoxicated healthcare)
21. TUY3T...(who's friends need a fixin')
22. Kelly..(an infamous ink queen)
23. #26TYPE-R (master of the bushes)

#26TYPE-R 03-11-2005 01:10 PM

Originally Posted by ATXCLS
Blagh, silly R's. :tongue:

You better make sure tha Pam doesn't read that. She may be a little :boxing: .

You are a posting whore. WOW.....

Word to your mama

TUY3T 03-11-2005 06:00 PM

Alright TUY, you gotta bring a girl for Rick now too.
too bad most of my girlfriends are hooked up already. Like i said before, they're not into cars like i am. It'll be like pulling teeth to try to get them to come. :wish:

MethodRN 03-11-2005 06:36 PM

We're just fuking w/ you Tuy.

Hey is there anything going on tonight in Houston. I'm actually not at the hospital tonight so I wanna do something. Anyone? Drinks? Dinner?Mini meet?

TUY3T 03-11-2005 07:10 PM

Originally Posted by MethodRN
We're just fuking w/ you Tuy.

Hey is there anything going on tonight in Houston. I'm actually not at the hospital tonight so I wanna do something. Anyone? Drinks? Dinner?Mini meet?

haha funny!! :tomato:

I am going to shoot some pool @ Barney's tonight with some folks. if ur in the area stop by. we're gonna be @ the 1960/Jones location.

MethodRN 03-11-2005 07:15 PM

k thanks for the invite.

How do I find you if I go?

TUY3T 03-11-2005 07:23 PM

look at my Avatar :toocool:

MethodRN 03-11-2005 07:29 PM

will you be raising your hand and wearing the same thing? hahaha

TUY3T 03-11-2005 09:05 PM

u got jokes i see

Mai_CL-S 03-11-2005 09:23 PM

Originally Posted by MethodRN
will you be raising your hand and wearing the same thing? hahaha


liloj 03-11-2005 10:46 PM

Originally Posted by ATXCLS
How the heck do you know that?

:shrug: a magical little fairy that andy sent to me via UPS next day air told me.

j/ was on a website site and i found it intresting :D

Chopsie 03-12-2005 02:45 AM

Originally Posted by #26TYPE-R
So what is up with no R's on here...?

Hey, ATXCLS .. aka (G-dog)

ATXCLS tells me about this meet in Houston and it sounds like my woman and I will be going. Sounds like fun. I have never been to one of these. We are going to bring out the Type-R.....

My GS-R will be there... :thumbsup:
Good to have another Teg in the mix.
PS I met you guys in Austin when we came to the parking lot with G.

Chopsie 03-12-2005 02:47 AM

Originally Posted by liloj
:shrug: a magical little fairy that andy sent to me via UPS next day air told me.

j/ was on a website site and i found it intresting :D

Good to know brown is working for me. You should see this thing, the inside of these trucks are like a dance floor on wheels :clap:

#26TYPE-R 03-12-2005 12:17 PM

Originally Posted by Chopper
My GS-R will be there... :thumbsup:
Good to have another Teg in the mix.
PS I met you guys in Austin when we came to the parking lot with G.

Cool deal, I can't wait to go. I have never been to one. Grayson goes quite often it seems and he likes them alot. So I guess it should be sweet.


DarkSithGirl 03-12-2005 07:31 PM

Originally Posted by ATXCLS
Well, now I am totally :confused: :ponder: What heppened?? Man, I am sorry. I know how much you cared/care for her.

couldn't have been too was his decision....any suggestions on how to change the name?? also up for anyone who wants company on the meet!! LOL!

DarkSithGirl 03-12-2005 07:32 PM

Originally Posted by DarkSithCL
We are no longer an item...but she still has my name... :what:

wish you had told me that last night!! you can't do that with someone you aren't with!

TUY3T 03-12-2005 09:31 PM

yeaahh!! another girl!!!
i hope u come to the meet!!! i don't wanna be the only girl there :wish: . sorry to hear about your current situation, i feel ya cuz i'm in the same boat.

DarkSithGirl 03-12-2005 09:41 PM

Originally Posted by MethodRN
Damn I missed alot shiet once I got rid of CeLeSte. Sorry to hear that bro.

Alright TUY, you gotta bring a girl for Rick now too.

Just for reference I'm still married.

you can pm that sh** I wanna see that! thanx method

FunkeeTown 03-13-2005 12:12 AM

when is easter this year? on the 27th? that would be a hell of trip to make it to houston and back in one day and in one piece a day before easter. i would love to see all you fuckers again though. :ugh:

MethodRN 03-13-2005 12:36 AM

Damn my bad Dark. I was fuking around w/ Tuy cause we had been joking about her inviting her friends so she wouldn't be the only girl. I wasn't trying to hook Rick up or anything. I guess I opened my mouth before I really thought about it. There is no other way to say it, other than I'm really sorry. Nothing was meant by it, but it was inconsiderate of me either way. I'd PM you to apologize, but I want it in the open that I admit it. I was a dumb a$$ for saying what I said, even if I was joking. Again, truly sorry.

htown 03-13-2005 12:40 AM

Originally Posted by MethodRN
Damn my bad Dark. I was fuking around w/ Tuy cause we had been joking about her inviting her friends so she wouldn't be the only girl. I wasn't trying to hook Rick up or anything. I guess I opened my mouth before I really thought about it. There is no other way to say it, other than I'm really sorry. Nothing was meant by it, but it was inconsiderate of me either way. I'd PM you to apologize, but I want it in the open that I admit it. I was a dumb a$$ for saying what I said, even if I was joking. Again, truly sorry.

It's cool. I highly doubt anyone thought you were serious. We're just trying to have some fun!

Chopsie 03-13-2005 01:11 AM

OOOF, looks like Jr. put the wrong can under the can opener ;) :tongue:

Sorry about the situation Sith's, as long as everyone gets along, we're golden. What do we have if we don't have friendship, right ???

Chops, who is trying to be guy driving the lawnmower on the MEDIAN. :)

Chopsie 03-13-2005 01:11 AM

Oh, yeah, here is some enterainment for you Fockers :D

DarkSithCL 03-14-2005 12:46 AM

Originally Posted by DarkSithGirl
couldn't have been too was his decision....any suggestions on how to change the name?? also up for anyone who wants company on the meet!! LOL!

I have had just about enough of this...I may have to go "lurker" here and just PM you guys...I'm really, really sorry for messing up what I think is a good thread with some :bs:

And Method...sorry you even felt you had to apologize. I just thought it was a "guy thing" and you didn't mean anything by it. As people with class say..."Don't mention it", Bro... :toocool:

Chopsie 03-14-2005 01:01 AM

Originally Posted by DarkSithCL
I have had just about enough of this...I may have to go "lurker" here and just PM you guys...I'm really, really sorry for messing up what I think is a good thread with some :bs:

And Method...sorry you even felt you had to apologize. I just thought it was a "guy thing" and you didn't mean anything by it. As people with class say..."Don't mention it", Bro... :toocool:

No worries Ricky, I can ruin a thread with the best of them :O

Now, you need not appologize to us, as most of us know you and no way do we think that anyone "messed" up the thread....It's been kind of random anyway :D

As long as we keep the list on each page for ya :thumbsup:

DarkSithCL 03-14-2005 01:05 AM

Originally Posted by Chopper
No worries Ricky, I can ruin a thread with the best of them :O

Now, you need not appologize to us, as most of us know you and no way do we think that anyone "messed" up the thread....It's been kind of random anyway :D

As long as we keep the list on each page for ya :thumbsup:

Thanks Andy, that means a bunch bro! :thumbsup:

And yur right...where is that damnable list? :tongue:

MethodRN 03-14-2005 10:51 AM

Hey Rick, no worries man. I mean I was kinda wrong knowing that she posts here to say shiet like that and stir things up. You're right though, I didn't mean anything by it. So lets just squash this and continue w/ plans about the meet.

Andy is right though, he can RUIN a thread w/ his whoring...... HAHAHAHA, just fuking w/ you man..... don't hit me. HAHAHAHAHA

WHORE all you want Andy, a thread wouldn't be the same without you

Waddy 03-14-2005 02:11 PM

Originally Posted by DarkSithCL
I have had just about enough of this...I may have to go "lurker" here and just PM you guys...I'm really, really sorry for messing up what I think is a good thread with some :bs:

And Method...sorry you even felt you had to apologize. I just thought it was a "guy thing" and you didn't mean anything by it. As people with class say..."Don't mention it", Bro... :toocool:

Never that Rick!

You start lurking and I start punching you hear me sucka! I'll find you and tape your fingers to your keyboard and mouse, and MAKE you post! Who else is gonna put the fear of God in me about safe sex? Shit because of you I get tested every 6 months instead of once a year like I used to.

You were here first, you're not going anywhere.

MethodRN 03-14-2005 02:30 PM

hahahahaha. Sup Wad!
Well you won't be the only Nissan at the meet now. So I guess I'll have to park beside you instead of the CL side. HAHAHA

Waddy 03-14-2005 02:39 PM

Originally Posted by MethodRN
hahahahaha. Sup Wad!
Well you won't be the only Nissan at the meet now. So I guess I'll have to park beside you instead of the CL side. HAHAHA

Welcome to the land of STOCK torque Junior, it's gonna be good to have a Nissan cousin this time around.

Chopsie 03-14-2005 03:42 PM

Originally Posted by DarkSithCL
Thanks Andy, that means a bunch bro! :thumbsup:

And yur right...where is that damnable list? :tongue:

:turns on darth vader voice:
As you requested master:

For Rick, ON pg. 20
Originally Posted by DarkSithCL
1. htown (somethin like an organized pimp)
2. GunMetaL CLSPiG
3. AcuraTL2000
4. cltypeSLOW
5. bent09 (Gangbang Video Inc.)
6. Black CL-S 4-Life (slore)
7. DarkSithCL(Dr. Love)
8. Mai_CL-S ( Trickster, because he tricked Waddy)
9. ATXCLS...(Sex in the fast lane)
10. TypeSblkura
11. Blades (Prison bitch)
12. Chopper (Drunken sex offender) shit....
13. StrawberryClock(Prison Warden)
14. Waddy (sex guru)...
15. leolebo28
16. gdubb
17. Hou-RL
18. JGsTL-S
19. kevin79225 (and 2 buddies)
20. MethodRN (Intoxicated healthcare)
21. TUY3T...(who's friends need a fixin')
22. Kelly..(an infamous ink queen)
23. #26TYPE-R (master of the bushes)


Chopsie 03-14-2005 03:46 PM

Originally Posted by MethodRN
Hey Rick, no worries man. I mean I was kinda wrong knowing that she posts here to say shiet like that and stir things up. You're right though, I didn't mean anything by it. So lets just squash this and continue w/ plans about the meet.

Andy is right though, he can RUIN a thread w/ his whoring...... HAHAHAHA, just fuking w/ you man..... don't hit me. HAHAHAHAHA

WHORE all you want Andy, a thread wouldn't be the same without you


of course, a thread isn't a thread without a midget running around in ninja turtle suit. :ninja: :what: :tomato:

Teh Snaps 03-14-2005 08:13 PM

Well Im still going but might be without my CL-S because some asshat hit me today. Hopefully it will be ready by the 24th

DarkSithCL 03-15-2005 12:27 AM

Originally Posted by Waddy
Never that Rick!

You start lurking and I start punching you hear me sucka! I'll find you and tape your fingers to your keyboard and mouse, and MAKE you post! Who else is gonna put the fear of God in me about safe sex? Shit because of you I get tested every 6 months instead of once a year like I used to.

You were here first, you're not going anywhere.

Thanks Man...nice to know my peeps got my back and much love...4 rella... :thumbsup:
Waddy, glad I have had a good effect on know they say if just one person is really feeling what you are saying, then your work is done...I rest my case.. :tongue:


DarkSithGirl 03-15-2005 12:30 AM

Originally Posted by DarkSithCL
I have had just about enough of this...I may have to go "lurker" here and just PM you guys...I'm really, really sorry for messing up what I think is a good thread with some :bs:

And Method...sorry you even felt you had to apologize. I just thought it was a "guy thing" and you didn't mean anything by it. As people with class say..."Don't mention it", Bro... :toocool:

Whatever isn't that serious...eventually they will know....take it easy man...peace

DarkSithCL 03-15-2005 12:34 AM

Originally Posted by Blades
Well Im still going but might be without my CL-S because some asshat hit me today. Hopefully it will be ready by the 24th

:what: :what: :what:

:whyme: :whyme: :whyme:

The devil is working overtime on stealing your know I have your back...prayers have already left da building bro!!!!

If it's His will...I will see da snappy mobile, if not, I need to come see you guys anyhoo!... :toocool:

DarkSithCL 03-15-2005 12:35 AM

Originally Posted by Chopper
:turns on darth vader voice:
As you requested master:

For Rick, ON pg. 20
Originally Posted by DarkSithCL
1. htown (somethin like an organized pimp)
2. GunMetaL CLSPiG
3. AcuraTL2000
4. cltypeSLOW
5. bent09 (Gangbang Video Inc.)
6. Black CL-S 4-Life (slore)
7. DarkSithCL(Dr. Love)
8. Mai_CL-S ( Trickster, because he tricked Waddy)
9. ATXCLS...(Sex in the fast lane)
10. TypeSblkura
11. Blades (Prison bitch)
12. Chopper (Drunken sex offender) shit....
13. StrawberryClock(Prison Warden)
14. Waddy (sex guru)...
15. leolebo28
16. gdubb
17. Hou-RL
18. JGsTL-S
19. kevin79225 (and 2 buddies)
20. MethodRN (Intoxicated healthcare)
21. TUY3T...(who's friends need a fixin')
22. Kelly..(an infamous ink queen)
23. #26TYPE-R (master of the bushes)


I feel da love...

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