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Yosemike 01-10-2018 12:53 AM

Acura TLX Youtube Channel?
Hey, I was wondering if any TLXs member had a Youtube channel on here? Any help would be much appreciated! Thanks

justnspace 01-10-2018 06:40 AM

what would you like help with?

Yosemike 01-10-2018 02:22 PM

I don't see much TLX enthusiasts on youtube, How-to videos of their TLX. Anyone here with a YouTube channel??

justnspace 01-10-2018 02:26 PM

cuz auto vlogs are dummmmb!!!
there's only 1 or 2 that are really great.

plus, the TLX isnt an enthusiast car to warrant people watching it.
"Today, we're going to put the FWD TLX on McDonalds trays to do donuts!!!!!!!!"
Also, the people who can afford the TLX will be an older demographic...older than 35, most likely.
I dont know any older than 35 year old who has a youtube channel, other than celebs

Do you have a youtube channel?
Why not post YOUR content????

quantum7 01-10-2018 03:23 PM

Sign up for Google and you get a free YouTube channel.....

Christopher. 01-11-2018 09:27 PM

I find it deeply upsetting that there are not at least a dozen YouTube channels showing hundreds of turbo installs on TLXs :cry:

I want to see a new "Performance Mod of the Week" for TLX, showing new brake installs, various turbo and super chargers, inexpensive "suspension hacks" such as inserts that go into your existing springs to give a "sportier" suspension. Perhaps some people demonstrating various different home made nitrous boost systems with before and after Dynos etc...

I'm not kidding either - I really do wish I could see such, and I am sad that there isn't.

But, I suppose it's true that far fewer people could afford a TLX, than a Honda Civic. And, the TLX' performance is already a lot better than a standard bottom of the line old 4 cylinder Civic that has a beat up old 1.8 liter engine with 100,000 miles on it already, which is what you might want to buy if you were going to try to build a turbo charged Honda at an affordable price, and you're gonna rebuild the engine with a variety of enhanced parts anyway?

neuronbob 01-12-2018 10:17 AM

Originally Posted by justnspace (Post 16162610)
"Today, we're going to put the FWD TLX on McDonalds trays to do donuts!!!!!!!!"

Hold my beer....I'll do it. :D :pofl:

Or I'll ask Damon Fryer (Daily Driven Exotics) to do AWD donuts in my car, LOL. He'll do donuts in anything.

Seriously, I have a YouTube channel, but folks are more interested in my NSX and NSXPO videos. I'll eventually post some TLX stuff, but work limits time for such pursuits.

OP, others are correct. You can be the one to post lots of TLX material. It's a common enough car that people will look at it.

justnspace 01-12-2018 10:30 AM

the auto vlogs that I enjoy (everyone will have their own favorite)
are the ones that are building fun, creative, fast machines.

the boring ones are the ones that talk about day-to-day life with their car. :yawn:

if you cant build on the TLX (too new, too expensive, no aftermarket support) then you're left with talking about how comfortable the seats are, how many people can fit in the car, etc. BORING.
if a TLX'er were to take it to the track and or Mexico, it would get a little more exciting. but would still be a bit of a bore, as it's probably a high 13 sec. car.

Yosemike 01-12-2018 02:26 PM

Originally Posted by neuronbob (Post 16163965)
Hold my beer....I'll do it. :D :pofl:

Or I'll ask Damon Fryer (Daily Driven Exotics) to do AWD donuts in my car, LOL. He'll do donuts in anything.

Seriously, I have a YouTube channel, but folks are more interested in my NSX and NSXPO videos. I'll eventually post some TLX stuff, but work limits time for such pursuits.

OP, others are correct. You can be the one to post lots of TLX material. It's a common enough car that people will look at it.

Link to your YouTube channel please!

justnspace 01-12-2018 02:36 PM

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