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graphicguy 04-05-2010 07:46 AM

Nightmare Acura TL experience....*UPDATE pg 7* Superior Acura of Fairfield ROCKS!
OK.....I've gushed about my few week old TL SH AWD. But, have to report the bad with the good. This is going to be kind of lengthy.

I've had my TL for going on 4 weeks. I've got about 900 miles on the odo. Was gentle on it for the first 600 miles. Never took it above 3,500 rpms. But, once I hit 600 miles, I started to open it up a bit. Not harsh. But, did 2-3 short jaunts on the interstate. Started to take it up to about 80 MPH, max, but only for a mile or two. Mostly in town driving where my right foot was sedate.

So, I'm headed to my Sister's for Easter yesterday. She lives about 150 miles from me just west of Indianapolis (I live in SW OH). Hit the interstate. Set the cruise at 70 MPH (first time I used it) speed limit. Get about 100 miles from home, and all of a sudden if feels like somebody threw a boat anchor out of the trunk. RPMs drop to 1,200. My ABS light comes on. I go from about 70 MPH to 20 MPH in a few seconds. No one was tailgating me. But, there was a semi behind me and I hear tires lock up. At first I thought it was me. Glance in the rearview and I see this semi has locked up his brakes and his trailer is starting to weave a bit side to side. He's barreling down headed for my ass end.

I was in the left lane, but slowly start to drift, across 3 lanes of traffic, to the right, as there was no berm on my left. Plus, I wanted to get out of the way of the semi. Cars are swerving, honking, plenty of middle fingers out people's windows.

I pull over and get the TL to stop on the right berm. The semi seems to be following me across lanes of traffic. He finally stops on the right berm about 100 feet in front of me. He jumps out of his cab yelling at me that I almost caused a wreck that could have killed people.

I'm sitting in the driver's seat, catching my breath. Finally get out face-to-face with the semi driver, and meekly tell him what happened. He settles down a bit. He says he didn't see any brake lights. He went on to say he was pacing along, all of a sudden he's coming up on me fast, but my deceleration was so sudden, and with no brake lights, he had no idea what was going on. He said he couldn't go left or right either with traffic wizzing by and no left berm to use. I make sure he's OK. He settles down enough to say he can "CB" someone for help. I tell him I've got a cell phone. He gets back into his semi and motors away, scared but OK.

First thing I'm thinking, did I hit the start button by accident? I try to restart. If feels like it's trying to start, but just keeps whirring the starter motor without catching. I look at the gauges. Filled up before I left. so plenty of gas. No overheating. Can't smell anything amiss. Battery is good. Lift the hood, plug wires are secure. Nothing smells or looks amiss.

Try to start it dice.....the starter button just keeps the starter whirring with no start. I shut everything down.

I dig into the owner's package in the glove box. Find the "Total Acura Care" brochure and call them. Tell them what happened. They go through rudimentary questions...."are you hurt? Do you need 911 service? What's wrong with the car (hell, I don't know what's wrong)?" Finally, they said they'll call a tow service for me. Nearest Acura dealer is in Indy, about 75 miles away. My selling dealer is 100 miles away.

They're supposed to get me a rental car, too. However, it's Easter. I'm in the middle of nowhere. They hook me up with Enterprise, who tells me know way they'll come out to "pick me up" (as their advertisements state). I call Avis, way any of them are coming to get me.

Call my sister. She says she'll come to get me. But, Acura Care says I must stay with the car to have it towed. I tell my sister not to bother until the tow truck gets there.

90 minutes later, traffic whizzing by, the tow truck shows up. I tell him my predicament. He tries to start the car. No luck. He states that I must accompany the car. OK, my Easter's shot. But, where to take it? 75 miles to Indy? Or, 100 miles to my dealer. How much is covered from Acura. He said it's a $300 tow job either way, and that I'd have to get reimbursed by Acura. I decide to get at least close to home and tell him to take it to my selling dealer. Nice guy. We've got a two hour ride together with my TL flat bedded. He says most of the towing he does isn't on junkers, but with brand new cars.

We get the TL to the dealership. I give him my credit card. He's off back home after unloading the TL.

I'm now stuck at the dealership. All of my friends are home with family for Easter. So, not bothering them, I hoof it back home on foot, about 5 miles away. Thought about calling a taxi, but geez, I'm already in the hole for $300. I just go for a nice, long walk.

OK.....what to do. I have no idea what's wrong with my car. Right now, I'm pretty pissed. It's a few weeks old. I've tinted it and installed a clear bra. So, I'm already out about $1,000 if I raise hell with the dealership to give me another car. That is, if I fight with them to give me a new car. However, the damned car is brand new. And, I almost got crushed by a semi. Plus, Easter with family was ruined (at least for me).

Consensus? How would you fine folks handle this?

CleanCL 04-05-2010 07:55 AM

First thing is to kiss one up and be happy you are alive and OK, and no one was injured.

Second, don't make any rash judgments about the car until the dealer has looked it over. Give them a chance to look at it. Your situation sounds very rare and it's probably a case of bad luck unfortunately. Get your loaner today courtesy of Acura and listen to their diagnosis. If you aren't happy with the results, then you can decide where to go from there.

NJ SHAWD 04-05-2010 08:06 AM


graphicguy 04-05-2010 08:42 AM

There's no doubt in my mind that my situation is a rare occurrence.

This could have turned out a whole lot worse, for certain. And, believe me, I'm thankful it didn't.

Yesterday's events, from almost getting crushed by a semi, to the $300 tow bill, to the 5 mile hike home hasn't put me in a very forgiving mood right now....all because of my new $40,000 car.

What I want is for my selling dealership (this is the 2nd TL I've bought from them) to go to bat for me. I want them to get me in front of the Acura Regional rep. Better yet, I want them to interface with the regional rep for me. I want them to tell how I'm a good customer and that I narrowly escaped what could have been a tragic accident, in a new car that they sold to me. I want the dealership to tell Acura I'm in the hole on this car and that Total Acura Care (which they touted when I bought the car) couldn't come through for me.

Even if they find the cause, and allegedly fix it, I don't know that I'd trust it on the highway ever again. In short, I want them to do what's right.

eazy 04-05-2010 08:43 AM

maybe one of your spark plugs went out

Hapa DC5 04-05-2010 09:12 AM

I would cool off and wait to find out what's up with your car. Sorry this happened, it's shitty timing. Keep us updated.

graphicguy 04-05-2010 09:42 AM

Originally Posted by eazy (Post 11891111)
maybe one of your spark plugs went out

eazy....if a spark plug fouled, or just shut down, the other plugs would have fired the engine up. It would have run very rough. But, it would have started.

The likelihood that all of the spark plugs went bad, being brand new, all at the same time is pretty remote.

There was no smell of gas. Something just shut the car down. Could be a total fuel cut off. Could be any number of things that are either fuel cut off, or electronics related. We're talking about something that controls the 4 things that keep a motor running...fuel, spark, air and compression. The computers affect all of those things. Since the ABS light came on, too. None of the other "idiot lights" came on during this ordeal. So, I'll assume that this is a computer failure. Whatever whatever shut down the motor, also shut down the ABS.

Even if I got a tank of bad gas (which I doubt, given that I filled up with Shell's best before I left), it may have run rough, but wouldn't have totally shut down.

Considering the scathing voice mail I left on the dealership's system yesterday, you'd think they would have called me back by now (their service dept has been open for 4 hours, and their sales dept has been open for 2 hours) to say something....anything...even if it's to tell me they are working on my car. Nothing.

Apparently the dealership's sense of urgency isn't quite as acute as mine.

George Knighton 04-05-2010 10:08 AM

Originally Posted by graphicguy (Post 11891269)
Apparently the dealership's sense of urgency isn't quite as acute as mine.

They're probably too horrified to summon the courage until they know something.

pimpin-tl 04-05-2010 10:14 AM

Originally Posted by eazy (Post 11891111)
maybe one of your spark plugs went out


nj2pa2nc 04-05-2010 10:28 AM

sounds like what happened to me a few years ago-not an acura-brand new car- less than 100 miles-transmission locked in 2nd (automatic transmission) We drove it slowly to the dealer (50 mile drive). Long story shortened=had the transmission replaced.

tobe_cx7 04-05-2010 10:59 AM

damm..hopefully it'll reslove the way you want.

CleanCL 04-05-2010 11:05 AM

Originally Posted by graphicguy (Post 11891109)
There's no doubt in my mind that my situation is a rare occurrence.

This could have turned out a whole lot worse, for certain. And, believe me, I'm thankful it didn't.

Yesterday's events, from almost getting crushed by a semi, to the $300 tow bill, to the 5 mile hike home hasn't put me in a very forgiving mood right now....all because of my new $40,000 car.

What I want is for my selling dealership (this is the 2nd TL I've bought from them) to go to bat for me. I want them to get me in front of the Acura Regional rep. Better yet, I want them to interface with the regional rep for me. I want them to tell how I'm a good customer and that I narrowly escaped what could have been a tragic accident, in a new car that they sold to me. I want the dealership to tell Acura I'm in the hole on this car and that Total Acura Care (which they touted when I bought the car) couldn't come through for me.

Even if they find the cause, and allegedly fix it, I don't know that I'd trust it on the highway ever again. In short, I want them to do what's right.

A call today of some reassurance should be expected. If you do not get a call, I would call Acura Client Services directly and file a report on the car and dealership.

By Phone: (800) 382-2238
Monday through Friday, 6:00am to 5:00pm Pacific Standard time at the toll-free phone number above

And a lot of people laugh when I say this, but WHENEVER I experience an issue like this, I ALWAYS write a snail mail letter. You would be surprised that 99% of the time you will receive a reaction. But I would first wait to get all the details before writing the letter.

Acura Client Services
Mail Stop 500-2N-7E
1919 Torrance Blvd.
Torrance, CA 90501-2746

SOCAL BRO!!! 04-05-2010 11:14 AM

Bro, glad you're okay and no one was hurt but LOL..

The Toyota's get stuck accelerating and the Acura's get stuck rapidly slowing down.. Glad I'm looking for a 3gen TL.

KeithL 04-05-2010 12:41 PM

So if I had my choice of runaway acceleration or sudden controlled stops, I'll take the latter! ;-)

princelybug 04-05-2010 12:45 PM

Sorry to hear. I would call both your local stealer and ACS.

tmnhs81 04-05-2010 12:55 PM

Timing belt? I am sure I have read about a similar issue on here about a 4G TL. Try to start nothing happens, just starter noise...:ponder:

neuronbob 04-05-2010 01:00 PM

Sounds like what happens when a 2G TL's tranny locks up at speed, as recorded several times on this very site.

This smells like a tranny issue, though that wouldn't explain the car not starting. Probably a rare issue or we'd have heard more about it.

Do keep us posted.

Glad to see you were not smashed by the semi, and sorry to hear that your Easter was ruined. Smart move to flatbed it your selling dealer at home, I would have done exactly the same in your situation.

Litt 04-05-2010 01:02 PM

A couple years ago I was driving a Chrysler and some moisture found it's way into a microchip. The tranmission went into "safety" mode and locked it into first or second gear.

I'm glad you are ok!

jangkai 04-05-2010 01:04 PM

Glad to hear you're ok. Hope everything works out in your favor and please keep us posted.

Hapa DC5 04-05-2010 01:08 PM

Give them another call. If nothing is getting done on their end, ask to speak with the service manager. If the service manager is going into circles with you, call ACS. After you call ACS call the dealer again, ask for the General Manager of the dealership. If he/she won't speak with you leave them a vmail stating you called ACS.

The squeaky wheel gets the grease...

winstrolvtec 04-05-2010 01:43 PM

Sorry to hear it, glad you are ok. Without a doubt call Acura client services, they will see this thing through without any ifs ands or buts. Call the number tell a rep everything that happened, including the cost of tow, they will open a case directly with you and follow up with the rep and they will likely handle the whole situation better than the dealer alone and the diagnostics and service of you and your vehicle will be much better with presure from up to, besides you want to make sure this case goes on file.

I've had a minor thing looked at in the past by the regional rep but it wasn't until I called ACS that the dealer finally gave me an appointment with him. I won't name names but this dealer is supposed to one of the best in that regard with top honors so I wouldn't go through the dealer alone.

graphicguy 04-05-2010 01:52 PM

Well, got tired of waiting for them to call me back. So, I called my sales person. He acted like he knew nothing about what happened, even though I had left him the same scathing voice mail as I did on the dealerships general Vmail.

Kind of a change of pace for him. When I bought my first TL from him, he was very helpful. He was helpful for my current TL, too. I could tell he knew I would be calling as his demeanor changed from cordial when answering the phone, to distant when he heard it was me.

Long and short of it, he said he'd check with the service dept and get back to me in 5 minutes. He was also supposed to get back to me and tell me how they're going to get a car for me to use. That was 2 and a half hours ago. Funny, before I bought, he was more than willing to get me a car immediately, to drive overnight while I made up my mind. Now, not a peep except "we'll get back to you".

I'm getting the sneaky suspicion that something's seriously wrong. Could be a tranny if you guys have heard of this happening before. But, as you say, at least the engine would have started and not shut down if that were the case.

Just a gut feeling but I'm thinking there's been some sort of catastrophic failure, that either they can't diagnose, or that they're afraid to tell me about.

So much for "Total Acura Care". Even on a regular business day, they can't seem to keep the Total Care promises they make.

I'm past being pissed. I'll contact Acura. Probably even write them a letter (snail mail). If it's a transmission failure (or worse, an engine failure), I don't want this car back. It's a new car with what seems to be a major failure, that no one can, or will, tell me the cause.

Sounds like I'm going to have a fight on my hands, too. Looks like it could take awhile to get resolved to my satisfaction, also.

cp3117 04-05-2010 02:23 PM

Glad to hear no one was injured and that a major accident didnt occur on the long weekend.

Each dealer unfortunately can be different to deal with in these situations. I would do like many others have said here. Talk to the service advisor's at the dealer very nice and acknowledge that they have a tough, demanding, thankless job also, before going into how crappy your weekend turned out.

Trust me, I have been in their shoes before and after a long weekend they will be swamped with angry customers that are venting on them. If you show some understanding towards them, you should get the same in return and more respect than what others will get. If you go in demanding things then lets just say they will probably be looking at your car near the end of the day.

What did the engine sound like when you turned it off?? Rough idle etc or did the engine just die at highway speed??

There are many issues that could have occurred but many times when these cars go into limp mode it's to protect things from causing more severe issues. (ie: overheating the transmission, severe emission problems, etc etc)

If the engine stopped all together or is rough at idle it again could be many things like mass air flow sensors, ignition timing sensors etc etc. Here is the link to an issue someone already mentioned that happened to a 4G owner earlier with his timing belt slipping.

Dont automatically think that is the problem though as there are many different things that may have happened. Just let them do there job and remember it will be very busy at any service dept today.

As far as the Acura client services is concerned, I would be contacting them ASAP to get your money back for the tow. Your description of how they handled things is disturbing for a company that is suppose to be a luxury line. Hopefully they wont string you along for the tow bill so that you dont start paying interest on your credit card for it....What was their reason for not having a cab at the dealer to give you a ride home (on their dime of course)??? I cant believe you still dont have a service vehicle or at least a rental vehicle now that we are back on a regular work week.

Bearcat94 04-05-2010 02:31 PM


Yes. Acura TLC should've come to pick you up personally and paid the tow bill on the spot. Then given you a ride to the dealership, who they've called in advance to open up just for you. That way the dealer loaner would've been ready when you got there.

Of course a tow truck should've been on standby near I-74 in BFE, Indiana, just in case you were going to break down there.

They should've stopped and bought you lunch, home cooked ham with all the fixings on the way back too. After all it was only Easter Sunday for you, not everyone else.


Completely over the top, but the point is you had a mechanical or electrical failure. A potentially very dangerous one at that - and the potential severity of the failure might be driving your emotions more than anything else.

Given that failure will occur from time-to-time, your expectations of what Acura TLC and the dealership can do on a holiday Sunday have to be realistic. I am surprised you had to pay the tow yourself, but I'm sure you will get reimbursed (assuming a warranty covered failure).

Don't get your hopes on a resolution - especially a new car to replace this one. That is totally unrealistic if your car can be repaired at a reasonable cost and with a reasonable expectation that it is actually fixable.

neuronbob 04-05-2010 02:43 PM

Originally Posted by graphicguy (Post 11892202)
Well, got tired of waiting for them to call me back. So, I called my sales person. He acted like he knew nothing about what happened, even though I had left him the same scathing voice mail as I did on the dealerships general Vmail.

Kind of a change of pace for him. When I bought my first TL from him, he was very helpful. He was helpful for my current TL, too. I could tell he knew I would be calling as his demeanor changed from cordial when answering the phone, to distant when he heard it was me.

Long and short of it, he said he'd check with the service dept and get back to me in 5 minutes. He was also supposed to get back to me and tell me how they're going to get a car for me to use. That was 2 and a half hours ago. Funny, before I bought, he was more than willing to get me a car immediately, to drive overnight while I made up my mind. Now, not a peep except "we'll get back to you".

I'm getting the sneaky suspicion that something's seriously wrong. Could be a tranny if you guys have heard of this happening before. But, as you say, at least the engine would have started and not shut down if that were the case.

Just a gut feeling but I'm thinking there's been some sort of catastrophic failure, that either they can't diagnose, or that they're afraid to tell me about.

So much for "Total Acura Care". Even on a regular business day, they can't seem to keep the Total Care promises they make.

I'm past being pissed. I'll contact Acura. Probably even write them a letter (snail mail). If it's a transmission failure (or worse, an engine failure), I don't want this car back. It's a new car with what seems to be a major failure, that no one can, or will, tell me the cause.

Sounds like I'm going to have a fight on my hands, too. Looks like it could take awhile to get resolved to my satisfaction, also.

A little patience is in order as far as the problem report. If they haven't gotten to you yet, it is an indicator of a difficult to diagnose problem. Again, your problem is the first of its kind reported on this board, and maybe even to Acura with the 4G TL. They might even want someone from Acura's engineering dept. to look in on this. Unless it's something easy, I wouldn't expect to hear anything for a day or two.

They should at least get you a loaner, though, I'd be impatient about that, especially after that long walk you took from the dealership on Easter. :mad: Now THAT's a dealer problem.

jasonwdp10 04-05-2010 02:57 PM

similar to this? except he was able to start his car again

SG81 04-05-2010 02:58 PM

glad you're not hurt, but i don't think there's any chance they'll give you a new car replacement

cp3117 04-05-2010 03:21 PM

Originally Posted by Bearcat94 (Post 11892335)
Given that failure will occur from time-to-time, your expectations of what Acura TLC and the dealership can do on a holiday Sunday have to be realistic. I am surprised you had to pay the tow yourself, but I'm sure you will get reimbursed (assuming a warranty covered failure).

What is so unrealistic about the service he wanted on a holiday Sunday?

All he wanted to do was probably get home. Outside of Acura calling a tow truck for him (which he could have done), what did they really do for him?

The last i checked tow truck and cab drivers work on all holidays even if its callout. Im sure after a couple hour ride with the driver he could have asked for a lift home but Acura should have asked if he needed a lift from the dealership.

I had a similar incident last year on a long weekend. One of the questions asked by the VW Canada Rep, was if i needed a cab ride home from where my car was being towed or from the dealership if it was closed. BTW the tow was also paid for by VW Canada and rental car was also provided free of charge.

IMO, if a mainstream car company can offer that basic customer service than i would expect the same or more from a luxury line. Some of the issues he is facing are at the dealership level but a lot are also Acura's issues.

Bearcat94 04-05-2010 03:43 PM

Originally Posted by cp3117 (Post 11892591)
What is so unrealistic about the service he wanted on a holiday Sunday?


Well the basic question is how would the OP's expectation of service been provided?

A lot of things like TLC and CPO and whatever else are more marketing hype than anything. This is true for Acura and a whole host of companies. I'm not saying that the OP could not have gotten some level of better service, but I am saying the expectation should be reasonable. Nobody chooses Acura over Honda is the for the TLC package and dealer loaners.

Things like this happen at the MOST inopportune times. Last summer I drove my TL-S about 400 miles in a one day round-trip. I stop for gas a mile from home and the car won't restart. Never had an issue before. Called TLC and waited, in a metro/sub-urban area, for about an hour for the tow truck. He couldn't start the car. Tow driver gave me a ride home (it was just a mile).

BUT we were leaving for the beach that night. I tried, but could not get a dealer loaner - the dealership had closed for the day. Did I expect them to re-open so I could drive a loaner to the beach? No.

So now I had to take time while on vacation to maintain contact on what was wrong and arrange to have a local freind pick the car up when it was ready.

Was it a PITA? Yes. A year later, do regret waiting an hour and driving to the beach in our other car instead of a pretty new Acura loaner? Hell no; I've got more interesting things to dwell on.

In the OP's case, I am really glad no injury or accident occured. And I really hope it's not a major or on-going problem. And I WOULD initiate immediate follow up with the dealership on the car and with Acura on the tow bill.

But I'd learn to live with the fact that this seemed to happen at the worst time possible (from the OP's perspective). No body has control over that, and NO time is good time break down 75 or a 100 miles from home.

graphicguy 04-05-2010 04:10 PM

Well, workwise, this day is shot. Along with my Easter yesterday. I needed some wheels. Hadn't heard from the Acura service people. So, I figured if I was going to get something to use, I'd give the dealership one more call. I wasn't pleasant, but I wasn't an asshole, either. I'd say I was businesslike and firm.

Talked to my salesperson again. Didn't get any report about what was going on with my car. But, firmly asked if someone from their dealership could give me a ride to Hertz, as I'm a 5 star Gold member with them. May as well get some points out of this ordeal. He said to let him see what he could work out for me. I also requested he check with their service dept. !/2 hour later, he calls me. Said apparently service had the wrong phone number (it's only the same phone number they had on file for the last 6 years). I guess they didn't bother to double check the number or to try again when they found they had the wrong number. But, he said they did try to call me (not buying that, as if you couldn't tell).

They aren't sure, but they think one of two things went wrong, maybe both. First, they "THINK" I have a bad fuel pump. He said the service manager noted in all the years he's been with Acura (20+), he's never seen a new one go bad. They don't know for certain if that's the issue. It's what they suspect. Acura allegedly wants the part back so they can see if it's the cause. And, if so, what caused it to fail. They have to order a new one. 2nd, the computer that feeds info to the fuel pump could be bad. Don't know if that's a whole new ECU, or just one part of it. However, they have to order that part, too.

Don't know how long it will take. Nor, do they really know the absolute real cause.

He did have a lot boy bring me a TL loaner (another SH AWD tech). Gave him a ride back to the dealership.

Here's where I left things. Speaking to both the service manager, and my sales person, I told them I didn't an overwhelming feeling like they knew the culprit of my problem.....only fixing what they think it could be. Further, I told them I didn't trust the car, and that if it happened again, I may not be as lucky. The service manager actually agreed with me, reiterating that he'd never seen such an issue in 20 years. And, that if happened again, they'd look for another cause. As I firmly told him...."there won't be a next time."

I'm supposed to get with the Regional Acura rep, who's also supposed to come to take a look at my car, When that is, I don't know.

To my sales person, I mentioned that I had purchased 5 cars from his dealership group. 2 of them being Acuras. If I'm not a good customer, I'm not sure who is. And, if the dealershi pgroup wanted to keep me as a customer, they'd find a way to get Acura to make a car swap for me. He said he understood and that he'd relay my message to their General Manager. I followed up with..."better yet, let me talk to your General Manager".

I've got a loaner. Still have no faith in my car, nor their diagnosis. This is going to take awhile, I can see.

graphicguy 04-05-2010 04:20 PM

Originally Posted by jasonwdp10 (Post 11892473)
similar to this? except he was able to start his car again

I'm not sure if I would describe my issue as the same as the one in the thread above. Maybe! Fact is, according to the idiot lights, my ABS failed also (nothing else, just ABS). My RPM drop was instantaneous to about 1,200 RPM. Plus, there was no "stuttering". RPM just dropped and the car finally stalled out when the trans couldn't get to a lower gear to keep the car from stalling. I couldn't restart it afterwards, either.

So, it's still all over the board...could be a trans, could be a fule pump, could be a computer failure, or it could be a combination of all or some of those things. I'm guessing just like the service manager is.

Bearcat94 04-05-2010 04:38 PM

Hey Graphicguy, just in case, start checking the Lemon Law requirements in Ohio.

Google "your state Lemon Law".

Hope it doesn't come to that, but you may want to know the requirements if things don't go your way.

graphicguy 04-05-2010 04:49 PM

Bearcat...I hear what you're saying. But, Acura's the company who stated that there's coverage 24 hours/day...7 days/week.

IF there were exclusions, like major holidays, they certainly didn't state that.

Further, they state that if an Acura breaksdown more than 100 miles from home (which mine did), then they'd tow it to the nearest Acura dealer (which wasn't my selling dealer by about 25 miles. But, if I did that, how am I going to go pick it up? I still think having it towed to my selling dealer, who has more than a passing interest in my satisfaction was the right thing to do. Now, getting my $300 back....well, I guess they could be real sticklers and say that they'd only have covered the tow to the nearest Acura dealership. We'll see. If I were them, I'd cut me a check pronto.

As far as replacing my car. I don't think I'm being unreasonable. I know it's a hit financially for Acura, but I'm not trying to rip them off. Their product had a catastrophic that could have resulted in injury or worse. It's new, for all practical purposes. They can choose to hold a hard line, and write me off as just another "unhappy customer". Or, they can do what's right.....replace it with a new car.

Either way, as happy as I was when I bought it, I'm unhappy now. I will never drive that car again. I'll have it towed somewhere else....maybe to the Infiniti dealer, and take my lumps....steer as many people as I can away from Acura.. But, I won't be driving ThAT car again. I have no faith in it, nor the attempted and alleged fixes.

Bearcat94 04-05-2010 05:20 PM

Well, they did respond "24/7/365". You called they answered, they got you a tow truck.

I don't think the tow will be an issue; $300 either way, even though it wasn't technically the closest dealer, the cost is no different.

Regards, the car all I can say is, "Good Luck. Hope it works out for you."

Lets assume it was a fuel pump failure, just for the sake of example. There are two basic outcomes:

1. Replace the car. It either does or does not have another defective fuel pump. If it does, you're still in the same boat; if it does not all is well.

2. Replace the fuel pump in your car. It either is or is not another defective fuel pump. If it is, you're still in the same boat; if it is not, all is well.

IOW - depending on the failure mode of the part, you gain nothing by getting a new car ASSUMING your car is fixed properly.

Six Shifter 04-05-2010 06:17 PM

does sound an awful lot like the slush boxes on the 2nd gen CL's/TL's from the early part of the decade. hopefully this isn't the problem ... speaking for of all those non 6sp owners for the 4G model years.

graphicguy 04-05-2010 06:47 PM

Originally Posted by Bearcat94 (Post 11892960)
Well, they did respond "24/7/365". You called they answered, they got you a tow truck.

I don't think the tow will be an issue; $300 either way, even though it wasn't technically the closest dealer, the cost is no different.

Regards, the car all I can say is, "Good Luck. Hope it works out for you."

Lets assume it was a fuel pump failure, just for the sake of example. There are two basic outcomes:

1. Replace the car. It either does or does not have another defective fuel pump. If it does, you're still in the same boat; if it does not all is well.

2. Replace the fuel pump in your car. It either is or is not another defective fuel pump. If it is, you're still in the same boat; if it is not, all is well.

IOW - depending on the failure mode of the part, you gain nothing by getting a new car ASSUMING your car is fixed properly.

Or,... isn't the fuel pump, but the same thing happens again. Only this time, I'm not so lucky and I do end up in a serious accident, with others.

This isn't just a fuel pump issue. As I think back, there have been times when shifting from P do D that it would take a second for it to go into gear. I'm thinking it's a combination of problems....maybe coincidental....maybe not.

pg2373 04-05-2010 06:50 PM

Sorry to hear graphicguy. I was all set to possibly purchasing a TL the next couple weeks or so, now I have to rethink my decision and see what the problem may be. Hopefully we will all get an answer soon.

NJ SHAWD 04-05-2010 06:54 PM

Not that you want to hear it right now, but you need to just take a deep breath. As bad as it seems, you will get it taken care of one way or another. Right now the fear of the unknown is what is making you nuts, and it has to suck. If anyone in the dealership was in the car with you, they would've experienced it like you did, and be just as freaked out by the whole thing...but they weren't. It sounds like you're handling them pretty well, but you have to realize that they can not let it be as big of a deal as you are. If they let on that it is a big deal, you will have control. Stay cool with them, and when someone doesn't give you the answer you want, calmly ask for their supervisor. If their supervisor can't help then ask for his/hers. Don't back down until you get what you want but always show respect. Remember it will just take time.
Sorry man.

NJ SHAWD 04-05-2010 06:59 PM

Originally Posted by Six Shifter (Post 11893110)
does sound an awful lot like the slush boxes on the 2nd gen CL's/TL's from the early part of the decade. hopefully this isn't the problem ... speaking for of all those non 6sp owners for the 4G model years.

Six, excuse my ignorance on this one, but if it was the tranny, why wouldn't the engine start?

Dopes6070 04-05-2010 07:04 PM

I honestly think at this point you should let them try to fix it, or at least wait till they know what the issue is before saying you want a new car. I know you are upset about the whole situation but chances are once it’s fixed you wont have another issue. Lemon law usually requires having the same problem 3 times within a certain period of time so you won’t get any help there.

Just try to be patient while they figure it out.

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