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neuronbob 07-06-2004 10:19 PM

neuronbob's 9 month update
Current MID information:

Avg. MPG 22--remember, never been changed since I bought the car. Actual current mileage is 24 mpg.
Avg. MPH 33
Dist 12225 (actual mileage 12230)
Hours: 370:38

This brief update is a few days late because of the holiday. I do have a life, after all. I wanted to continue the saga of my early build 2004 TL, VIN #00168X, for those interested in the long-term reliability of the car. For reference, I took delivery of my car on 3 October 2003. It's been a short nine months. My previous reviews with links are below:

TLs are in Cleveland!
1st week
1 month update
3 month update
6 month update
Falken ZIEX ZE512 review
A-Spec suspension review :)

The major change in the last three months was the addition of the A-Spec suspension on 6/17/04. The suspension has nearly eliminated the soft spot at the center of the steering. This is the way the car should have come from the factory. Now that the springs has settled, the ride has become more supple, but I still have good communication with the road. Again, the car should have come like this from the factory. The car is actually FUN TO DRIVE now. I wish the upgraded suspension were more easily available. Boooooo Acura! The only fly in the ointment from the installation is that the rear seat cushion is loose because the dealer didn't bother to replace the broken clips that hold the seat in place. They are fixing this at no cost to me, so I won't complain too much.

I also had the seat memory module replaced. I haven't lost my seat memory even once since then. Thanks, Acura!

I replaced my tires with the Falkens in my sig and now have nearly 3000 miles on them. Not bad for cheap tires. The ride is MUCH better with properly inflated (35 psi on my car) tires.

The glovebox rattle has come back, intermittently. It improves if I don't keep heavy stuff in the glovebox. I also have that damned window rattle on the driver's side. The car is so quiet otherwise that the rattling of the window is driving me nuts.

The "buttprint issue" we were so worried about is a non-issue. My buttprints are small. Monthly Lexol cleaner and conditioner seems to help.

I have been tricked twice during the ownership of this car into thinking I had a headliner rattle. Both times, it was the passenger side front seat belt buckle rattling. The issue was fixed by inserting the buckle into its holder. Others complaining of headliner noise need to look at this first because the buckle rattling can sound like it's coming from the headliner.

I am still in love with the car. I've had really minor issues, but the car is otherwise so far quite reliable. I know I'm very lucky compared to others on the board. Next report in three months!

elroy 07-06-2004 10:50 PM


I always enjoy your thoughtful posts. Thanks for the update!

By the way, is there a known fix for the driver window rattle? I have one that I thought was coming from the driver's seat belt height adjustment mechanism, but sometimes when I hold it while driving, I still hear something...

rets 07-06-2004 11:07 PM

neuronbob, thanks for these organized updates.

need4spd 07-06-2004 11:38 PM


Glad things are going your way!

Wish I could have had the same experiance :'(

neuronbob 07-07-2004 05:50 AM

Originally Posted by need4spd
Wish I could have had the same experiance :'(

Me, too. :'(

Originally Posted by elroy
By the way, is there a known fix for the driver window rattle? I have one that I thought was coming from the driver's seat belt height adjustment mechanism, but sometimes when I hold it while driving, I still hear something...

There is not an official fix, but someone did make a fix and post it. I'll have to find the link for it.

chas083 07-07-2004 06:30 AM

window noise
My driver's window developed a rattley crunchy noise which I determined came from the rubber seals. I completely lubed the seals both inside and out with silicone. I also sprayed the inside of the plastic that surrounds the inside of the window frame. Been more than a month and the noise is still gone.

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